The Creation Mound & First Temple of Amun and Amaunet

The creation mound is the precise spot where Amun and Amaunet created the Universe and where the Nigritian people built the first temple for worshiping Amun and Amaunet.

The Temple of Amun is the largest and oldest Temple in the world, it was also called “Temple of Amun” “House of Life”. In antiquity Amun was recognized as the “God of Life”. Amun existed before the universe was created, and He is the Creator of the Universe and Creator of all life.
In the Heritage Illustrated Dictionary of the English Language Vol. 1 by Houghton Mifflin Company (1979) edition.
Defines the word: Amen Also Amon (Amun). Egyptian Mythology. The god of life and reproduction, represented as man with a ram’s head (see The Heritage Illustrated Dictionary pages 41-42).
The most important continent on the planet is Africa. Africa is the most important continent to the planet because it powers the whole world economy.
Amun and Amaunet is the most important God and Goddess of Africa because it was in Africa (KEMET) that they first appeared and from where it is said they created the world, the first people, and everything else in the world. Amun and Amaunet are the most important God and Goddess to the planet because they sustain the life on the planet.

Magnificent colossal statues of the Supreme Being Amun and Amaunet, dedicated by Tutankhamun (King Tut).
At the time of the construction of the two colossal statues, Tautankhamun better known as King Tut were not depicting Amun and Amaunet as statues. In fact, King Tut had just renounce his mother and father Akhenaten’s religion of Aten worship. Aten religion was based on the worship of the sun as Aten-Ra.
At which time Akhenaten was claiming to been the incarnation of the sun Aten as god. This was considered sacrilegious to the priests of Amun and Amaunet because they (priests) worshiped only Amun and Amaunet as Spirit and not as any material object nor anything of creation.
Akhenaten wanted a physical god, he did not want to worship a God he could not see.
In the book titled: Ancient Egypt: Myth and History by Geddes/Grosset, they wrote: “He (Akhenaten) built a new temple at Karnak to the Aten, but in his fourth year as king began to build a completely new capital city and national cult centre, named Akhetaten (‘horizon of the sun disc’), on the east bank of the Nile. Its site, Amarna, is six miles south of present-day Mallawi. In size and splendour, he intended it to outdo Thebes (Kemet) or Memphis.
At this time he changed his names to affirm his god-identity with that of Aten. Amenophis means ‘Amun is satisfied’, whilst Akhenaten means ‘glory of the Aten’. All references to Amun were expunged, and the ‘hidden’ god (Amun & Amaunet) was replaced by the ‘visible’ god (Aten)”. (See Ancient Egypt by Geddes/Grosset page 315).
When Tutankhamun order the construction of the two colossal statues, he was saying: “I renounce my father Akhenaten and mother Nefertiti and their religion based on the worship of the physical sun and man”.
Tutankhamun was implying my Father and Mother were Amun and Amaunet; and that he was abandoning all else.
Note: Tutanhamun’s name means “Image of Amun”.
All Praises to Amun and Amaunet the Universal Supreme Being
The first photograph above is of the mound where Tehuti recorded Amun and Amaunet raised the universe out of the vast cosmic ocean; and from where the mound appeared.
It was at this very site on the mound, where Tehuti recorded Amun and Amaunet initiated the process of creating everything in the world at the mound.
It was at the mound that Amun and Amaunet caused the sun to raise out of the ocean and placed it in the sky so there would be light.
The first Temple of Amun and Amaunet House of Life were built by Tehuti and the Nigritians people (Note the Nigritians were the first people Amun and Amaunet created on earth) which is still in existence; and its boasted to be the large and oldest temples built in the world by historians and archaeologists.
This exact place is known as the most holiest place on earth because it is the place the Supreme Being Amun and Amaunet initiated creation.
The ancient Nigritian who built the temples in Kemet named it “The Temples of Amun and Amaunet House of Life”.
It is located in Africa (Note the continent of Africa was once known as Nigritia) that was once known as ancient city called: Kemet– that is now called modern day Egypt.
The people who lived during the time of the construction of the Temples of Amun and Amaunet House of Life, and pyramids were known as Nigritians. If they were alive during our modern day, they would be labeled Africans and African Americans.
The ancient Nigritians were taught by Tehuti that the mound is the exact spot where The Supreme Being Amun and Amaunet caused the earth to rise out of the deep waters.
He (Tehuti) further taught, it was on the mound where Amun and Amaunet begun the creation of the heavens and the earth, this is what He taught the ancient Nigritians after he witness first hand Amun and Amaunet create the Heavens and Earth.
Afterwards, Amun and Amaunet instructed Tehuti to teach what he witnessed to the Nigritian people.
They marked the spot by building the first Temple to Amun and Amaunet so they could worship their Creator Amun and Amaunet. It is known today as the Holy of Holiest places on earth.
This mound and temple predates modern day religions. And no other religions past nor modern can produce anything like these ancient facts.
Later, the Nigritian people built a separate temple near the Temple of Luxor, and dedicated it to the worship of Amaunet, the Nigritian called the new temple Karnak .
There at the Temple of Karnak House of Life the first Kemetic Triad was observed with the Supreme Being Amun as its head, along with
Amaunet and Tehuti.
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Temple of Amun and Amaunet House of Life
By: Antwin Henley aka (“Tehuti”)
Founder/Spiritual Physicist
The first “Divine Trinity” Amun, Amaunet and Tehuti.
Before the primordial creation of Darkness existed, before the Universe and Water existed, when nothing existed but vast nothingness; Amun and Amaunet being self-created existed before the Universe was created.
“Amun was self created, without mother and father, and during the New Kingdom he became the greatest expression of transcendental deity in Egyptian theology“. (See
The first of Amun and Amaunet’s creation was Tehuti as the Word and Logos. Amun who spoke the first word at the beginning of creation that brought Tehuti into existing in order for him to bear witness to Creation and record its process.
“In the beginning was Amun and Amaunet, and the Word was with them, the Word became flesh (Tehuti) and made his dwelling among man as their Teacher and Spiritual guide.
The Ogdoad hieroglyphic writing are the words of Amun and Amaun that give an account of the creation of the Universe. This knowledge had been passed down from the Supreme Being Amun and Amaunet directly to Tehuti who wrote it down on scrolls in the divine language known as the Metu Neter (the words of Amun and Amaunet). Tehuti was responsible for writing over forty thousand scrolls.
We find Tehuti present during this creation process by Amun and Amaunet.
Below is the hieroglyphic writing of the Ogdoad creation story as recorded by Tehuti who witnessed Amun and Amaunet in the beginning create the Universe.

Above is a photo of an ancient city “The Ogdoad of Khemenu”, or “The City of Tehuti” from where people traveling from Heliopolis or “City of the Sun had to first abandon their belief in worship of the Ra and Aten as sun gods and acknowledge Amun and Amaunet as the Supreme Being and the creation story of Amun and Amaunet’s first six creations at the beginning of the world. Amun and Amaunet with the six are known as the Ogdoad or group of eight that are depictions as four fog-headed males and four serpent-headed females.
The four pairs of male and female that make up the group of eight have abstract meanings such as Kek & Kauket represent darkness, Heh & Hauhet represent (infinity/eternity), Nun & Naunet represent water, and Amun & Amaunet represent invisibility or spirit

Many Egyptologists wrongfully label the Ogdoad as being a group of eight gods. When in fact, Amun and Amaunet created the above six that represents Darkness, Water, and Infinity. This is apparent because the Nigritians only worshiped two out of the eight that make up the Ogdoad, and that was Amun and Amaunet. They built two major temples in Africa known as Luxor and Karnack that were dedicated to the worship of Amun and Amaunet and not the other six of the Ogdoad. Because the six were created before the Universe, many Egyptologists speculated that the six must have played some role in the creation of the Universe.
After Amun and Amaunet created Darkness, They created Infinity so that everything else will exist for endless durations, after water was created, Amun and Amaunet created the Earth and sun in the water. Afterwards, they caused the sun to rise to the sky for light, and they caused the earth to rise from the vast ocean.
The ancient Nigritians of Kemet celebrated Amun in a hymn below as being the Creator of everything in existence.
Unique one, like whom among the gods?
Goodly bull of the Ennead,
Chief of all the gods,
Lord of Truth, Father of the gods,
Who made mankind, who created the flocks,
Lord of what exists, who created the tree of life,
Dogging whose feet are the gods,
As they recognize His Majesty as their Lord,
Lord of fear, rich in terror,
Great in wrathful manifestations, powerful in appearances,
Whose offerings flourish, who made foodstuffs,
Jubilation to you, who made the gods,
Who suspended heaven, who laid down the ground!
You are the Sole One, who made [all] that exists,
One, alone, who made that which is,
From whose two eyes mankind came forth,
On whose mouth the gods came into being,
Father of the fathers of all the gods,
Who suspended heaven, who laid down the ground.
Who made what exists, who created that which is,
Sovereign, — life, prosperity, health! — Chief of the gods.
Hail to you, who made all that exists,
Lord of Truth, Father of the gods,
Singly unique One, without his second . . .
Unique king, like whom among the gods?
Amun, more powerful than all the gods”.
The Hymn to Amun above first sentence read:
“Unique one, like whom among the gods? ”
As the Unique One, the Nigritians were acknowledging Amun was/is the only One of its Kind, and that there were nothing that they could compare to Amun as an equal.
The sentences 2, 3 & 4reads:
“Goodly bull of the Ennead,
Chief of all the gods,
Lord of Truth, Father of the gods”,
Which means Amun is more powerful then the Ennead, He is the Chief over the Ennead and it is Truth that He is the Father/Creator of the elements of the Ennead. The Ennead consist of: Atum (sun), Shu (air), Tefnut (moisture/rainfall), Geb (earth),and Nun (water).
Also, Ra, Osiris, Isis, Seth, and Nephthys make up parts of the Ennead, they were fallen angels seeking to create themselves an origin amongst men. Yes! Amun created them in spirit form, afterwards, they rebelled and came to earth and cloth themselves in fleshly bodies; the sure fact that Amun created earth, which was use by the fallen angels to create themselves physical bodies they are considered Amun’s creation as well.
Sentences 5 & 6 reads:
“Who made mankind, who created the flocks,
Lord of what exists, who created the tree of life”,
As Khnum (another name for Amun); Amun created man and woman on a potter’s

The Catholic Church in “The Catholic Encyclopedia” defines Ammon (Amun) and Khnum as being one and the same. Ammon is defined as following:
Ammon (Egyp. Amun or Amen, ” the hidden one”. Heb. ‘Amdn, Gr. A/A/iuiv). The supreme divinity of the Egyptian pantheon. He was originally only the chief god of the city of Thebes….Ammon was worshipped underseveral names with different attributes. As Ammon~Ra, he was the sun-god , with his chief temple at Thebes ; as Khem or Min, he was the god of reproduction; asKhnum, he was the creator of all things, “the maker of gods and men“. (Page n476)

Here we have Tehuti present and recording Khnum-Amun in the process creating the first man in the world on a Potter’s Wheel. After Amun created Man’s physical body on the Potter’s Wheel, Amun put the “Ba” inside of Man and he became a living soul. We know this is a fact, because Amun is credited with creating the Ba which was later translated to mean soul.
“In Thebes, Amun came to be associated with the breath of life, one of the deities who created part of the ba”.
In The Encyclopædia Britannica, the word “BA” means:
“Ba, in ancient Egyptian religion, with the ka and the akh, a principal aspect of the soul”. (See
Also, sentence 5 & 6 further reads:
“who created the flocks,
Lord of what exists”.
Amun is credited with creating everything in the Universe as well.
“It is thought that Amun created himself and then everything else in the universe” (,of%20Ma’at%20or%20balance.).
The last part of sentence 6 reads:
“Who created the tree of life”.

NiAbove we have Tehuti putting the fruit on the Tree of Life that pertains everlasting life; and we have the Nigritian man who AMUN and AMUANET created, in which the Tree of Life and the fruit gives everlasting life to him.
First we must recognize the Tree of Life is located in Kemet as a creation of AMUN and AMUANET.
It represents the source of life (AMUN and AMAUNET) which is the force that connects all lives to life itself. Its fruit represents everlasting life/eternal life, knowledge, divine analytical wisdom, which were the image or condition of the people of Kemet.
The Tree of Life fruit gave us:
Eternal Life
Spirituality/worship system
Calendar/seven day week
Administrative/governmental systems
This is the Tree of Life mentioned in the Jewish/Christian bible who Jehovah-Satan did not want man to eat/partake of because it would give man everlasting life and self governance.
Genesis 3:22 Jehovah-Satan said, ….”He must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live forever.”
We know the “tree of knowledge of good and evil” (Gen. 2:17) is referring to Jehovah-Satan.
In (Isaiah 45:7) says, Jehovah-Satan created evil.
Also, the bible informs us that the spirit of evil comes out of Jehovah-Satan.
In (1 Samuel 18:10) says, “And it came to pass on the morrow, that the evil spirit from Jehovah-Satan came upon Saul, and he prophesied in the midst of the house; and then tried to kill David.”
The tree of good and evil is located in Iraq which represents the condition of the Abrahamic people of that land.

The fruit of the Tree of Good and Evil give us:
False gods: Ra, Aten/Aton, Yahweh, Jehovah, Jesus, and Allah who are one and the same. All of them claims to be aspects of the sun and gods. The Hebrew word “Ra” (as in sun god Ra) means “bad” or “evil” in this case the fruit of an evil spirit.
Lost of eternal life
False religions
False teachings
Wars caused by Jehovah-Satan who calls himself “the man of war” (Ex. 15:3)
Seven evil spirits
The inhabitants of Iraq were a hybrid species. Which were a hybridization of Neanderthals and human. The good is man who was created by AMUN and AMUANET; and the evil was the Neanderthal who were essentially animal.
There is a symbolism and hidden code in Genesis chapter 3, that talks about Eve and the Serpent’s curse. In which the Serpent would have children, and Eve would have children and they will hate each other. Which is actually making referring to the Neanderthals that are the Serpent’s children; and Eve who is symbolically making referring to AMUN and AMUANET’s children. This is the hidden code in Genesis chapter three.
Genesis chapter 3. verses 13-15 say,
13 Then the LORD God (Jehovah-Satan) said to the woman, “What is this you have done?” The woman said, “The serpent deceived me, and I ate.”
14 So the LORD God said (Jehovah-Satan) to the serpent, “Because you have done this, “Cursed are you above all the livestock and all the wild animals! You will crawl on your belly and you will eat dust all the days of your life.
15 And I will put enmity (hatred) between you and the woman, and between your offspring (Children) and hers (Children); he will crush your head, and you will strike his heel.”
The trees are an image of the human condition; eternal life is a gift giving to us by AMUN and AMUANET, but in order to receive it, we have to be of AMUN’s creation on the potter’s wheel. We have to reframe from sexually amalgamating with the Neanderthals producing offsprings, because when you do, the child will not inherit a soul. This is the symbolic meaning of the saying: “My spirit shall not strive with man forever, for he is indeed flesh; yet his days shall be one hundred and twenty years”.

In Europe, Asia and North Africa, interbreeding between Neanderthals and Denisovans with modern humans took place several times. The introgression events into modern humans are estimated to have happened about 47,000–65,000 years ago with Neanderthals and about 44,000–54,000 years ago with Denisovans, ( .


The first Divine Trinity was that of Amun, Amaunet and Tehuti.
1. Mentalism
All is Mind.
The Universe is Mental.
2. Correspondence
As above, so below.
3. Vibration
Nothing rests.
Everything moves.
Everything vibrates.
4. Polarity
Everything is Dual.
Everything has Poles.
Everything has its pair of opposites.
5. Rhythm
Everything flows;
out and in.
Everything has its tides.
All things rise and fall.
The pendulum swing manifests in everything.
6. Cause and Effect
Every cause has its effect.
Every effect has its cause.
Everything happens according to Law.
7. Gender
Gender is in everything.
Everything has its masculine and feminine principles.
Gender manifests on all planes.
Tehuti’s wife Maat was at the head of the divine feminine energy were her seven principles were learned:
1 Truth – the ability to understand the difference between the real and the unreal. Of course, this is subject to the definition of reality. In this interpretation, reality is grounded in the belief of the Greatest Goodness, that which permeates all that exists, that all living creatures are sacred, and all are spiritual beings deserving of respect and honor.
2 Justice – the state in which there is equity for all persons, for all creatures and for the planet on which all of these rely for life. Equity means that all have equal opportunity for basic needs to be met (food, shelter, water, safety, medical care, dignity, respect, community…), to live in peace, to fully and meaningfully participate and contribute to society, to offer gifts, talents, and or essence, toward the good of the whole.
3 Harmony – the state of being in which different expressions of Amun and Amaunet’s Spirit, humans, animals, plants, etc., move together in ways that create alignment and beauty. Each expression must be authentic and express fully all that it is created to be. It is only through authenticity that harmony can truly be achieved, and occur naturally when each entity is being true to itself — to it’s spiritual reality.
4 Balance – a state in which the internal and external environments of an individual, or group are aligned with The Universal Supreme Being, one another and the rest of creation. It is the experience of existing in the place where opposites meet, the creation point, where new life is generated and new possibilities come into being.
5 Order – a state of being in which things are arranged in ways that are uncluttered, free of excess, clear.
6 Reciprocity- is the reality that what comes around, goes around. There is a motion, rhythm of cause and effect, give and take, forward and backward to every aspect of creation.
7 Propriety – means to be and to do what is right, according to the truth that all living creatures are spiritual beings and deserve to exist. This means to do no harm to another being, creature or aspect of the Amun and Amaunet’s Divinity, beginning with self.
The Principles of Ma’at were an important value of the Nigritian culture of Kemet. The teachings about how to live in order to find union with the male and female divine energies, was part of the life training of the Ancient Nigritian people from infancy onward. The purpose of this union was both for the good and benefit of the individual woman and to bring balance with the man who had mastered the seven axioms of Tehuti, but even more so for the nucleus of the family, society and the world. Each woman should live a life in which the principles of Ma’at were embodied externally as well as internally.
Temple of Amun and Amaunet House of Life
By: Antwin “Tehuti” Henley
Founder/Spiritual Physicist
February 09,2023
The intricate serpent wand carried by Tehuti was his most distinctive symbol. The staff has two serpents winding up the rod forming a double helix, at the top a curved horns which is the Amun and Amaunet’s horns. Also called the “Hippocampus”.
The snake’s heads form a sort of circle which represented curved horns.

The horns represent what is known as the Amun’s horns which is located under the cerebral cortex with one on each side of the brain symbolizing Amun and Amaunet; also called the Crown Chakra.
In the Ancient Kemet, the serpent was linked to Amun and Amaunet the primeval creative energy that created the world and everything that exist.
One must reconnect to his or her Crown Chakra through his or her daily obligatory prayers. When he or she does, one connects directly to Amun and Amaunet.
One must crystalize the first axiom of Tehuti which is “Mentalism “and the first principle of Maat that is “Truth” in the Crown Chakra.
In doing so, one realizes that Amun and Amaunet is Mental and the Universal God of Truth.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia the word “Hippocampus” says:
“The hippocampus (via Latin from Greek ἱππόκαμπος, ‘seahorse‘) is a major component of the brain of humans and other vertebrates. Humans and other mammals have two hippocampi, one on each side of the brain. The hippocampus is part of the limbic system, and plays important roles in the consolidation of information from short-term memory to long-term memory, and in spatial memory that enables navigation. The hippocampus is located in the allocortex, with neural projections into the neocortex in humans,[1][2][3] as well as primates.[4] The hippocampus, as the medial pallium, is a structure found in all vertebrates.[5] In humans, it contains two main interlocking parts: the hippocampus proper (also called Ammon’s horn), and the dentate gyrus….The hippocampus, including the dentate gyrus, has the shape of a curved tube, which has been compared to a seahorse, and to a horn of a ram, which after the ancient Egyptian god often portrayed as such takes the name cornu Ammonis. Its abbreviation CA is used in naming the hippocampal subfields CA1, CA2, CA3, and CA4”. (Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia the word “Hippocampus”).
In Ancient Kemet the hippocampus was referred to as the Ammon’s horn or cornu Ammonis. Wikipedia above say Ammon’s horn is “the ancient Egyptian god often portrayed as such” when you click on the highlighted part it reads:

Now it is clear that the hippocampus, the Ammon or Amun’s horns, and the seven chakras is referring to the Supreme Being Amun and Amaunet.

The Amun’s Horn received its name because the two hippocampi bend around in the form of the horns of a ram, and it is the seat were man and woman’s divine thoughts come from, and his connection point to the Supreme Being Amun and Amaunet.
One horn representing Amun and the other horn representing Amaunet. They are the Masculine and Feminine Principle that operates on the mental and spiritual plane just as these principles on the physical plane these two principles are always at work.
Humans have two hippocampi or Amun and Amaunet’s horn, one on each side of the brain. The hippocampus is located under the cerebral cortex.
Because Amun and Amaunet existed before creation, whenever they are spoke of they should be mentioned together as One are as a pair as in Masculine and Feminine Principle or Amun and Amaunet; and as One, they are same, they should always be mentioned as The Universal Supreme Being or the God of Truth.
These horns contains three main interlocking parts: Amun’s horn, Amaunet’s horn and the dentate gyrus.
The dentate gyrus is the first region where the Masculine and Feminine modality energies of Amun and Amaunet merge together to create neurons that carry information as messengers to other cell as to what their functionality will be to the body.
Let’s look at how these messengers work. Take for example, a neuron messenger sent out from Amun and Amaunet to the dentate gyrus with instructions to go to the pituitary gland where it is further encoded with information to travel down the your spinal cord that is a cylindrical structure that runs through the center of your spine, from your brainstem to your low back, the neuron then comes in contact with the nerve bundles and cells at your lower spinal cord as a massager from your brain to testicles to form granule sperm cells.
What’s unique able this is that neuron as granule sperm cells had first been encoded by Amun and Amaunet to create eyes, a brain, spinal cord, heart, lungs, etc.
The dentate gyrus acts as a preprocessor of incoming information from Amun and Amaunet, preparing it for subsequent processing throughout the body
Tehuti carried a caduceus with a curved horn atop of a rod with two snakes intertwined.
The horn represented Amun and Amaunet, the rod the spinal cord and the two snakes intertwined represents the Masculine and Feminine energies that controls the nerve granules that are scattered throughout the cytoplasm of nerve cell bodies via Their (Amun and Amaunet) command post which is the spinal cord. This is made possible because of the neural networks connections between neurons in the dentate gyrus.

In order for a man or woman to have full access to this Masculine and Feminine energies of Amun and Amaunet, the true divine analytical wisdom they must first master both of the first axiom of Tehuti and the first principle of Maat.
The 7 chakras are energy centres for the spirit of life in the neuron where these neurons gather in large numbers.

First Axioms of Tehuti-The Seven Chakras- First Principles of Maat
- The Axiom of Mentalism 7. The Crown Chakra 1. The Principle of Truth
- The Axiom of Correspondence 6. The Third Eye Chakra 2. The Principle of Justice
- The Axiom of Vibration 5. The Throat Chakra 3. The Principle of Harmony
- The Axiom of Polarity 4. The Heart Chakra 4 The Principle of Balance
- The Axiom of Gender 3. The Solar Plexus Chakra 5 The Principle of Order
- The Axiom of Rhythm 2. The Sacral Chakra 6 The Principle of Reciprocity
- The Axiom of Cause and Effect 1. The Root Chakra 7 The Principle Propriety
- The Axiom of Mentalism 7. The Crown Chakra 1. The Principle of Truth
First Axiom of Tehuti
- The Principle of Mentalism
“The All is Mind; The Universal is Mental. Which is the Universal Superme Being Amun and Amaunet”
This principle embodies the truth that the All or Amun and Amaunet is Mind. It explains that Amun and Amaunet is the substantial reality underlying all the visible manifestations and appearances that we categorize as the material universe: matter, energy, and all that is apparent to our material senses. This entity, Amun and Amuanet, is Pure Spirit, the Universal Spirit, which is only knowable through Spirit and definable only through the Atomic Mass Unit (“AMU”) and the Neter, but is regarded in the most ancient traditions as a Universal, Infinite, Living Supreme Bing’s Mind. Human beings, see and describe the All as Amun and Amaunet, they attribute to it characteristics that fall within the realm of AMU and Neter. This shows Amun and Amaunet as preeminent within creation: as the Universal Supreme Being. Thus, the All who is — God and Goddess, the Father and Mother. In reality this axiom explains that the universe is a mental creation of the All; that is to say, Amun and Amuanet is the All, and the All is everything and everything is the All. This principle also explains the true nature of energy, power, and matter, and how these are subordinate to the mastery of the mind of Amun and Amaunet.
The Scripture Truth of AMUN and AMAUNET Chapter Five Hundred-Nineteen verses 3-4 reads:
“The Spiritual Teachings of Tehuti”
3 “God AMUN and GODDESS AMAUNET is the Supreme Mind. THEY are everywhere and always. The human mind is an image of the Supreme Mind.”
4 “Everything exists as an idea within the Mind of God AMUN and GODDESS AMAUNET. THEY create all things, in the same way that our minds create thoughts. Just as the nature of mind is to think, so the nature of GOD AMUN and GODDESS AMAUNET is to create.” (v.3-4).
Followers of the Truth must know the working of the mind, that there are three department of the mind: Subconscience, Conscious, and Superconscience.
The Conscious mind is the mortal mind, carnal mind; it is the man and woman mind, and it see life as it appears to be. It sees death disaster sickness poverty and limitations of every kind and it work hand and hand with the Supconscience; and it suppresses its worries on the Supconscience seeking comfort, validation, and attention. Something like a crying baby does with its mother.
Subconscience is AMAUNET who is the GODDESS conscience of every man and woman. AMAUNET oversees and powers the Autonomic Nervus System, which is a network of nerves throughout your body that control unconscious processes. Amaunet take care things that happen via your autonomic nervus system without you having to think about them, such as breathing and your heart beating. Amaunet make sure your autonomic nervous system is always active, even when you’re asleep, and its key to your continued survival. The reason the autonomic nervus system or Amaunet have such great responsibility for ensuring the autonomic nervus system is working is because Amaunet was responsible for supplying the material after the female egg was fertilize by the male semen, which was used for building the internal organs, including the blood vessels, stomach, intestine, liver, kidneys, bladder, genitals, lungs, pupils, heart, and sweat, salivary, and digestive glands. The autonomic nervus system is like steam or electricity, it does what it is directed to do. It has no power of induction; allowing a man or a woman to focus their attention on external things, deep feelings and seeing the world clearly in order to impress upon the mind and carried out thoughts in minuses detail.
Superconscience is AMUN who is the GOD conscience of every man and woman. And it’s the part of the mind or realm where perfect ideals come from; and it is where the divine design of AMUN resides. AMUN created a divine design for each person, which is something you are to do which no one else can do. There is a perfect picture of this in the Superscience mind. AMUN usely allows these ideas to flash across the conscious mind as an unattainable ideal. Something to good to be true. In reality it is man or woman’s true destiny or reality coming to him or her from the Infinite Intelligence of GOD AMUN. Many people are in ignorant and striving for things that do not belong to them. Which will only bring failure or dissatisfaction if obtained. Prolonging their true destiny GOD place in the person.
7. The Crown Chakra

Location: the top of the head
What it is: The Crown Chakra, the crown is the center of enlightenment and our spiritual connection to our Amun and Amaunet’s horns–who is the ultimate Mental Functioning Reality and Truth, which facilitates our Divine Analytical Wisdom and spiritual connection to the external world. When a Follower of the Truth (“FOT“) is aligned on the Divine Path of Amun and Amaunet the supernatural power of pure consciousness is at work—all knowledge and understand accessible to the FOT.
First Principles of Maat
1 Truth – the ability to understand the difference between the real and the unreal. Of course, this is subject to the definition of reality. In this interpretation, reality is grounded in the belief of the Greatest Goodness of Amun and Amaunet, that which permeates all that exists, that all living creatures are sacred creations of Universal Supreme Being, and all are spiritual beings deserving of respect and honor.
Second Axiom of Tehuti
- The Principle of Correspondence
“As above, so below; as below, so above.”
This axiom explicates the constant correspondence that exists between Amun and Amaunet and the various planes of life, whether recognized or not. When we perceive our solar system, vast and mystifying, with the Sun at its center and the planets in orbit around the Sun, we may acknowledge the same patterns on a much smaller scale: the atom, with the nucleus at its core, and the protons, electrons, and neutrons, which, like the planets, orbit around the nucleus. The nucleus here is Amun and Amaunet were the protons, neutrons and electrons receives their instructions. The understanding of this law provides a key to unlocking the enigma of the multidimensional reality in which we exist mentally, materially, and spiritually.
6. The Second Eye Chakra

Location: This chakra is between the eyebrows; rules organs including the pituitary gland, eyes, head, and lower part of the brain
What it is: Don’t let its name confuse you. The third eye, or Ajna chakra, is actually your sixth chakra governs your intuition; also at night while asleep, one retract from the hypothalamus into the pituitary gland (third eye) were one can see directly into the Amun and Amaunet’s horns (also called: hippocampu) were dreams are experienced and the ability to tap into the spirit realm. There is more, the third eye is what also said to be responsible for all things between you and the outside world, serving as a bridge between the two. It allows you to cut through any illusions and drama to see the clear picture.
Second Principles of Maat
- Justice – the state in which there is equity for all persons, for all creatures and for the planet on which all of these rely for life. Equity means that all have equal opportunity for basic needs to be met (food, shelter, water, safety, medical care, dignity, respect, community…), to live in peace, to fully and meaningfully participate and contribute to society, to offer gifts, talents, and or essence, toward the good of the whole. By proforming these acts, the FOT is facilitating the Divine Will of Amun and Amaunet.
Third Axiom of Tehuti
- The Principle of Vibration
“Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates.”
This principle embodies the truth that everything is in constant motion. Whether this motion is perceivable is irrelevant, for this law affirms that everything vibrates, and that nothing is ever at rest. Modern science may now attest to this fact, but it should be kept in mind that this fact was known thousands of years ago in ancient Kemet. The higher the vibration, the higher the form or entity which is the Spirit of Life of Amun and Amaunet that exists within that particular frequency. Therefore, the vibrational connection between some of the grosser forms of matter, such as a rock, and a human being, is very great. Spirit has the highest vibrational frequency, vibrating at such a phenomenal speed that it seems to be at rest, just as a rapidly moving wheel seems to be motionless. It is said that those disciples of the Truth who studies Tehuti’s teachings are able to grasp this principle will be able to, with the appropriate formulas, control their own mental vibrations as well as those of others. Also, He or she who understands the Principle of Vibration, has grasped the power of Amun and Amaunet.
5. The Throat Chakra

Location: your throat; is associated with the thyroid, parathyroid, jaw, neck, mouth, tongue, and larynx
What it is: The FOT speaks according to the Holy Breath also called the Soul. Your fifth chakra, which is all about speaking your inner truth—or, specifically, ensuring that your inner truths are properly communicated—is likely well-balanced. With the Holy Breath of Amun and Amaunet name the Soul , the throat chakra rules all communication. It’s the first of the three solely spiritual chakras (as opposed to the lower ones, which manifest themselves in a more physical way), When this chakra is in check, you’re able to fully listen to the voice of Amaun and Amanet as well as speak according to the Holy Breath and express yourself clearly.
Third Principles of Maat
- Harmony – the state of being in which different expressions of Amun and Amaunet’ Spirit, humans, animals, plants, etc., move together in ways that create alignment and beauty. Each expression must be authentic and express fully all that it is created to be. It is only through authenticity that harmony can truly be achieved, and occur naturally when each entity is being true to itself — to it’s spiritual reality.
Forth Axiom of Tehuti
- The Principle of Polarity
“Everything is dual; everything has poles; everything has it pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree; extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths; all paradoxes may be reconciled.”
This law exemplifies the truth that for every extreme there is another equally as valid, and that the extremes thus opposed may have the effect of balancing each other. There are two sides to everything, and every truth may also be false. Humans experience this duality throughout life. For example, a woman who lives by a particular reality may find that a year later she has matured, grown, and her perspectives have changed, thus invalidating her prior truth or reality. Tehuti stated that everything is divided into opposites; however, these opposites are identical in their nature, differing only in their degree. To illustrate, hot and cold are the same thing — temperature. They simply occupy different places on the temperature scale. The same may be seen with short and tall, light and dark, or large and small, all of which reflect opposite extremes of the same scale. One commonly experienced duality is love and hate. These are two mental states that reflect opposing degrees of emotion, and often fade into and out of one another to such a degree that they are barely distinguishable. The maxim “there is a thin line between love and hate” is a truism. Often, we move from love to hate and back again. Within this principle we can uncover the art of polarization, a kind of mental alchemy that allows people to change their individual psyches, from hate to love, or from evil to good.
Even Amun and Amaunet are One and the same, but operate as Male/God and Female/Goddess energies.
4. The Heart Chakra

Location: the center of the chest, encapsulating the heart, the thymus gland (which plays a vital role in your endocrine and lymphatic system), the lungs, and the breasts
What it is: As the central chakra, the fourth chakra represents where the physical and the spiritual meet, your Heart Chakra record every transaction mentally, physically and spiritually.
This is why the ancient Nigritians in Kemet after death kept the heart in a jar; and the heart was shown on a scale one side, and a father on the other side. And it is the seat of Amun Amaunet, who are pure love love. It’s the a FOT’s true spiritual character, to operate in love because his or her Creator is Love. It’s believed that when your heart chakra is aligned and balanced, love and compassion are flowing freely—both in terms of giving it out and getting it back. Nothing but pure love and good vibes.
Forth Principles of Maat
Balance – a state in which the internal and external environments of an individual, or group are aligned with the Will of Amun and Amaunet, one another and the rest of creation. It is the experience of existing in the place where opposites meet, the creation point, where new life is generated and new possibilities come into being.
Fifth Axiom of Tehuti
- The Principle of Gender
“Gender is in everything; everything has its Masculine and Feminine Principle; Gender manifests on all planes.”
This axiom embodies the truth that gender is manifested in everything; Amun and Amaunet created everything so that the masculine and feminine principles are always at work. This is not only true of the physical plane but of the mental and spiritual plane as well. This principle has an affinity with the polarity axiom. One the physical plane, the principle manifests as sex, but on higher planes it takes other forms. No creation, whether physical, mental, or spiritual, is possible without this principle. Within our own individual spheres of existence we know that every male has elements of feminine energy, and every female carries the components of the masculine. When this law is employed, we see the creation of planets, solar systems, and animal life of all kinds.
3. The Solar Plexus Chakra

Location: from the navel to about the ribcage; associated with all things metabolic, digestive, and stomach-related
What it is: The third chakra is where Amun and Amaunet allows each person to have his or her individual power, ruling over self-esteem, self-governorship. Its the place one’s soul actuates ones willingness, reasoning and understanding from this chakra.
Fifth Principles of Maat
- Order – a state of being in which things are arranged in ways that are uncluttered, free of excess, clear. Our divine analytical wisdom that we receives directly from Amun and Amaunet always gives us a clear understanding so that everything will be clear for us.
Six Axiom of Tehuti
- The Principle of Rhythm
“Everything flows out and in; everything has its tides; all things rise and fall; the pendulum swing manifests in everything; the measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left; rhythm compensates.”
The principle of rhythm explains the cycle of life, the truth that everything has a tide-like ebb and flow. Tehuti stated that the ebb of the tide is equal to its flow and is set in motion and maintained by the rhythm of the universe that was designed that way by Amun and Amaunet. There can be no better example than that of the various races and their civilizations. Once there were opulent and great empires that were created, maintained, or influenced by the Nigritian Nations. For thousands of years, these civilizations flourished as a pinnacle of cultural influence, holding sway even over those nations that they did not touch directly. Because they attempted to civilized the Unauthorized Species, and produced offspring with them, they created their own pendulum of destruction and just as the great swing of the pendulum brought about their ascension, so it brought about their demise. Within every great experience, whether related to race, culture, civilization, or individual magnanimity, the tide must eventually turn. This principle is eternally united with the concept of the great, awe-inspiring cycles or ages of humankind, as well as those of the Earth, which forever dictate periods of upheaval and tranquility. There is always an action and a reaction, an advance and a retreat. This law manifest in the creation and destruction of worlds, the rise and fall of nations, and ultimately in the mental states of humanity.
2. The Sacral Chakra

Location: above the pubic bone and below the navel
What it is: Consider the second chakra which is the most fun out of the seven. “This chakra houses our emotions, passions, and pleasures—the things that emotionally satiate us and give us joy—and is considered the creative and sexual energy center of the body.
When your sacral chakra is aligned, you’ll likely feel great: You’re friendly, passionate, and successfully fulfilled while also eliciting feelings of wellness, abundance, pleasure, and joy. By honoring your body and expressing yourself creatively, you’re keeping the energy wheels turning and fluid. This is the seat of a strong emotion that Amun and Amaunet masculine and feminine energies allows us to experience the strong emotion.
Six Principles of Maat
- Reciprocity- is the reality that what comes around, goes around. There is a motion, rhythm of cause and effect, give and take, forward and backward to every aspect of creation.
Seven Axiom of Tehuti
- The Principle of Cause and Effect
“Every cause has its Effect; every Effect has its cause; everything happens according to Law; Chance is but a name for Law not recognized; there are many planes of causation but nothing escapes the Law.”
This principle purports that everything happens according to law — that nothing merely happens. Chance and coincidence do not exist; these are terms human beings choose, or are forced to use because of an ignorance of the principle at work. The masses of the Earth are governed by a herd instinct: the many are lead aimlessly by the few, destined to be carried along, obedient to the wills and desires of others stronger than themselves. Because they are basically unconscious, they are forever subject to the effect of environment, heredity, suggestion, and other outward forces moving them about like pawns on a chessboard. Once this principle is understood and practiced, one becomes a mover as opposed to being moved, a player in the game of life, as opposed to being played by it.
1. The Root Chakra

Location: the base of the spine, the pelvic floor, and the first three vertebrae
What it is: Think about your root chakra as the foundation of a house, but for your body—when in balance, it’s sturdy, stabilizing, and supportive. As such, it’s responsible for your sense of security and survival. It’s also connected to whatever you use to ground yourself, including basic needs, such as food, water, shelter, and safety, as well as your more emotional needs, such as letting go of fear and feeling safe. As you well know, when these needs are met, you tend to worry less. But the goal is to grown this chakra in a spiritual connection to Amun and Amaunet.
Seven Principles of Maat
Propriety – means to be and to do what is right, according to the truth that all living creatures are spiritual beings and deserve to exist. This means to do no harm to another being, creature or aspect of the Amun and Amaunet, beginning with self.

All Praises to Amun and Amaunet the Universal Supreme Being
The Black Madonna, who was she?
The word Madonna means “Our Lady” or “Our Black Lady” as in Black Madonna. The worship of the virgin Black Madonna, Black “Mother of God” with her God-begotten child, far predates Christianity.
If true, that the Black Madonna do predates Christianity, then naturally St. Luke the Evangelist” claim to painting a modern day portrait of a Mary and Jesus is a false image and a form of idolatry in our modern times.
The Black Madonna and son are the the real characters, and they predates Mary and Jesus.
The Black Madonna was the Black Isis/Ishtar and more directly Queen Semiramis who was known in Babylon as the Madonna.
Also, the The Black Madonna was connected to Queen Tiye. The Black Madonna that predates the Mary and Jesus by two thousand years. Which symbolizes the negative aspect of the female energy, while the sun symbolizes negative use of the male fallen angel energy.
Both energies were used to produce hybrid children who were called sons of Ra, or Aten-child or the Aten-Christ or Child-Christ, in which I label them “Unauthorized Species”.
Some writers describe it as negative female moon energy or negative male sun energy that symbolizes the sexual union that produced a child.
It was claimed that Queen Tiye was visited by a representative of the sun god Aten. She was told by the representative of the sun god Aten, that Aten’s spirit would cause her to conceive a son by the sun god’s spirit miraculously while maintaining her virginity.
During our modern day the virgin woman name was changed from Queen Tiye to Mary and her child’s name was changed from Akhenaten to Jesus or the Child-Christ.
Before the so-called virgin birth of Jesus, there had already been a concept of the story of the annunciation, the miraculous conception, the birth and the adoration of messianic infant.
In fact, it had already been engraved in stone and represented in four consecutive scenes in the Temple of Luxor located in Africa about 1700 B.C., or some seven teen centuries before Mary and Jesus supposedly existed.
The older concept of the virgin birth story in Africa, was called the Black Madonna and became a representation of the woman and child only because the virgin mother Tiye was from Ur of a hybrid species. She was of the union of neanderthal and Black; and child’s father was Black .
Black Madonna” is a nickname. The Black Madonna makes reference to skin tones of the Queen Tiye and child.
If the Black Madonna is a nickname. It is not the true name of the image betrayed in the modern day portrait as the Madonna we see today.
The modern day Black Madonna depicted as a European Mary and child called Jesus is actually an inaccurate depiction of Queen Tiye and her son Akhenaten known as the mother of god, and the Aten-Christ or Child-Christ.
When the Ethiopians traveled to Kemet and learnt about the annunciation, immaculate conception, and miraculous birth of the virgin Queen Tiye. They drew portraits of the virgin woman and child. Which inspired the Europeans to paint the portrait of the Black Madonna.
This birth of the Aten-Christ is what started the brand of pre-Christianity know to the Ethiopians today.
When Queen Tiye’s son Akhenaten, when born was known as Aten-Christ or Child-Christ.

“In this picture above we have the Annunciation, the Conception, the Birth, and the Adoration, as described in the First and Second Chapters of Luke’s Gospel; and as we have historical assurance that the chapters in Matthew’s Gospel which contain the Miraculous Birth of Jesus are an after addition not in the earliest manuscripts, it seems probable that these two poetical chapters in Luke may also be unhistorical, and be borrowed from the Egyptian accounts of the miraculous birth of their kings.”
In these scenes the queen Tiye, the mother of Akhenaten, her future child, who is a virgin-girl, is said to have been miraculously impregnated by the sun-god Aten.
The first scene on the left hand shows the angel Thoth, as divine word or logos, in the act of hailing the virgin queen and announcing to her that she is to give birth to the coming son.
In the second scene the ram-headed god Kneph in conjunction with Hathor, gives life to her. This is the holy Ghost or spirit of Aten that causes conception.
Impregnation and conception are apparent in the virgin’s fuller form.
Next, the mother is seated on the midwife’s stool, and the child is supported in the hands of one of the nurses. The fourth scene is that of the Adoration.
Here the infant is enthroned receiving homage from the gods and gifts from men. Behind the deity, who represents the holy spirit/spirit of Aten, on the right three men (Ethiopians) are kneeling offering gifts with the right hand.

The above hieroglyphic images of the queen Tiye with Akhenaten /Child-Christ in her arm is what inspired the drawing of the Black Madonna portrait, and the Mary and child Jesus portrait.
In the Mary and Child portrait, the child Jesus is in Mary’s arm, too.
Queen Tiye was a real flesh and blood woman who actually lived. Her mummy remains are proof of her existence.
Not like Mary who never existed and who has no grave cite nor is there any remains of her as proof she ever lived and walked the earth.

Akhenaton was a flesh and blood person who walked the earth. His mummy remains is proof of his existence on earth.
Not like Jesus who never existed and where no grave site can be found nor remains.
Temple of Amun House of Life
By: Antwin “Tehuti” Henley
Founder/Spiritual Physicist
June 21, 2020
I truly hope all who read this article overstand that there are people who believe in the story of Moses, claiming the Hebrew god revealed his hidden name Yahweh to him.
Also, you must overstand that Moses received all of his knowledge from the Nigritian people in Kemet (modern day Egypt)?
Acts 7:22 “Moses was educated in all the wisdom of the Egyptians (Nigritians) and was powerful in speech and action”.
For the sake of answering this question, I’ll assume you are unaware of the information that follows:
It is true Scientist discovered a “map” of four DNA bases that carry the ability to sustain life. These bases, known as chromosomes, are paired differently for each person.
Human DNA contains 23 pairs of chromosomes, made up of hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, carbon, and their acidic counterparts.
Also it is true the Creator encoded within these elements the amazing blueprint of life that proves the Creator has put His own unique stamp upon every person.
I disagree with the Hebrew Israelites that this stamp is actually yhwh name as revealed to Moses thousands of years ago.
In which many like you ascribe by comparing the four-lettered name to the four elements that make up human DNA. You are taking the code of DNA and converting it to the elements of letters.
In doing so, you all are errorously trying to match the values of atomic mass, hydrogen to the Hebrew letter Yod (Y), nitrogen to the letter Hey (H), oxygen to the letter Wav (V or W), and carbon to Gimel (G). in making this assertion. NO where does it reveals the form of yhwh’ name.
Yhwh does not exists as the literal chemistry of our genetic code. Because in the words: hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, and carbon you find the letters or word “Wav or V or W.
Also, the word nitrogen you are ascribing to the word Hey and the letter H when there is no letter H or the word Hey in nitrogen. It will be misleading to purport this foolishness.
You are probably unaware that the Nigritian-Canaanite people worshipped a god named Yhwh before the Hebrews and Moses came on the scene; and Exodus 6:2-3 proves not even Abraham knew of the name Yahweh.
Exodus 6:2-3
2 God also said to Moses, “I am the LORD. (Yahweh) 3 I appeared to Abraham, to Isaac and to Jacob as God Almighty, but by my name the LORD (Yahweh) I did not make myself known to them.
Since the Canaanite people live thousands of years before Abraham and Moses, we can say Moses borrowed the name yhwh or Yahweh from the Canaanite people. This borrowing of the name Yahweh from the Canaanite people was done by the Hebrew scribes in order to disguise who Moses god really was/is.
The Hebrews claimed that the name Yahweh or the tetragrammaton (Aton/Aten/Adon at the end of tetrammaton is the sun god Aton) or the four letter word: yud -hey-vav-hey could not be use, so they use Adonai in its place.
Adonai is the true name of the Hebrew people god.
The name Adonai is made up of two words, Adon and Ai.
The word Adon derives from the sun god Aten, Aton, also spelt Adon.
Moses is said to been living in Egypt between 15th and 14th dynasties. This is during the time the sun-god Aten or Adon was being worshipped throughout Egypt.
If it’s true he lived in Egypt and he, “Moses was educated in all the wisdom of the Egyptians”; then he would have been brought up to worship the sun-god Adon.
The master teacher or high priest of Adon during that time name was Ai. I have read Moses and Akhenaten were both taught to worship the sun-god Adon under the high priest Ai.
Also, Ai had a city in ancient Egypt named after him.
Moses in calling his new god Adonai was giving recognition to his teacher Ai, and honoring the sun-god Adon, by naming his new god Adonai.
There are many scholars of antiquity who say all the attributes of the sun-god Adon was transferred to Moses new god Yahweh, Adonai and Elohim.
Lest now examine the etymology of the word “Hey”.
For your convenience, I am including a chart of the etymology of the word Hey that I named the “Nigritian Script Chart”, only because the Nigritian’s hieroglyphic writings predate the Canaanite and Semitic writings by thousands of years, as you can see from the chart that follows:

The original pictograph/ hieroglyphic for this letter Hey is , a man standing with his arms raised up; and the original name for this letter, is hey, a word meaning “behold,” as when looking at a great sight. This word can also mean “breath” or “air”, which mean behold the sight of man who Amun has created. which is the representation of the structure of the great pyramid in Kemet.
The meaning of the letter is behold the sight of man who is the breath of God. I reveal a revelation from the idea of revealing a great sight by pointing it out.
If you know anything, you should know the ancient hieroglyphics say Amun also spelt Amen, Amon and the original spelling AMN, (whose title is the Supreme Being), was called the God of Air or breath of life, who put the breath of life in man after He (The God of Life) created the first man and (wo)man on a potter’s wheel.
In a book titled: The Ankh African Origin of Electromagnetism, by Nur Ankh Amen,
In his book, he depicts the hieroglyphic symbol of Khnum-Amun creating the first man and woman on a potter’s wheel.
Nur pointed out the creation story in the Jewish/Christian bibles where taken from the original creation story of Amun.
Nur wrote: “The mythological story of the creation of man, recorded in Genesis, was taken from the original Egyptian story of the creator god Khnum (another name for Amun) who formed man and his Ka on a potter’s wheel.
Nur further wrote: The hieroglyphic symbol which represents Khnum consists of a Tet between the raised arms of the Ka symbol and the word aun, which mean light-tower, another name for the God Amen (Amun). (See The Ankh African Origin of Electormagnetism page 37 by Nur Ankh Amen).
Also see picture below of Khnum-Amun setting at the potter’s wheel from page 37.

I would like to explain to you about the Great Pyramid of Kemet, and its meaning.
The Great Pyramid is said to be a perfect isosceles triangle as a structure, with two equal sides of 91 units, and a base of 70 units. Hence each of the equal sides represent Divine Name of Amun and man who is made in the image of Amun.
The base of the Great Pyramid represents the foundation and the (WO)man who Amun created.
Initially the Great Pyramid was covered with 144,000 polished limestone casing blocks, which represented the 144,000 thousand seeds in the first man created loins. The 144,000 would represent the whole of creation of humanity.
If the world should end today, only the first man and woman and 1440,000 would existed and is responsible for creating everyone else would simply be absorb into the 144,000 from which they came.
I drew a diagram below to help you understand how the pyramid represent Amn, Man and woman. (See diagram below present Amn, Man and Woman).

Above are hieroglyphic carved on the wall and temples of Kemet that clearly shows the first man and woman of Nigritian origin being created by Khnum-Amun on a potter’s wheel.
The first hieroglyphic shows Amun-Khnum along with Amaunet in the process of creating the first man and woman on a potter’s wheel. Amun-Khnum are the same God, Amun is used to refer to God in a spirit form, and Khnum is used to refer to Amun in a physical sense as in the creation of man.
The second, third, and fourth hieroglyphics shows Khnum-Amun creating the first man and Amaunet putting the downloading the senses and function of man into him. How this really works is by conjunction, which simply means to “join with”.
In this case, Amun is the Spirit of Life, Khnum is the Ba (Soul), and Amaunet is the cells or the vehicle that the Spirit of Life and Soul have its merging to form a new substance with its own characteristics, this amalgam compound is called the sacred Child or holy heir to the Kingdom of Amun.
When conjunction involves these three substances are energies: Spirit of Life, Soul, and the substance that allow the cells to become malleable to create the all-important natural component of things—with is Amaunet. When Amaunet is shown holding the Ankh to the nose of the man or woman on the potter’s wheel, she is transforming the clay into actual cells. When Khnum is shown setting at the potter’s wheel with the Ankh in His hand to the nose of the figure of a man or woman perch on top of the wheel, shows He has created the physical body and put the soul in man via the Ankh, and when you see Amun and Khnum together at the potter’s wheel, it shows He has put the spirit of life into the body the man or woman and spirit of life moves throughout the cells of the body; the union of all three energies become the functionality of the new incarnation of energies known as the man or woman.
In which the man and woman unite to form a new resurrected or precipitation out of the three that is born from the womb.

Amun, Khnum and Amaunet are the primal immortal essences of soul, spirit and life that from the sacred marriage that brings about the transformation of matter. That produce a new empowered presence of passionate inner love, courage, devotion, in which they pour their energies so utterly into each other’s essence that no part of them remain separate, but they become “One and All” or “Conscious and “Subconscious”.
The primary symbol for the sacred marriage is the pyramid in which the three form an interlocking triangle signify the union. The upper two lines forming the pyramid symbolizes: “Amn and Man”, “God and Soul” “Supreme Being and Masculine Conscious”. The horizontal line of the base of the pyramid symbolizes: “The Womb of the Woman”, The Spirit of Life, and “Feminine subconscious (or unconscious)”.
Also, keep in mind that there were 144,000 polished lime-stone casting that covered the pyramid. The 144,000 polished lime-stone casting symbolizes eternal divine soul has been brought down to impregnate the spirit of life with light (life). This act results in the purification and assimilation of the physical body, so that the eternal divine soul, spirit of life, and body unite to form a new or resurrected body of life and conscious that represent the birth or life-giving spirit of the subsequent essence of the divine life that is available for all of the 144,000. The birth of a Nigritian child is the transubstantiation or transmutation of the first union. Or the realization of the integrated self, which include masculine and feminine, conscious and subconscious, divine and physical body.
To truly understand how this works, I am going to make reference to what I call the Nigritian/Hebrew alphanumeric chart. We know the so called Hebrew letters numerical value system existed in Kemet before the Hebrews.
One side of the pyramid isosceles line represents Amun or AMN. The length of the line is 91 units. This is calculated by the alphanumeric chart below.
Each letter of Amn name has a numerical value that equals 91 or 91 units.
The letters A=1 M=40 N=50. 1+40+50=91.
We are told man was made in the image of his Creator. If true, nothing changes in the Creator and man. So when you take the word AMN and put the letter A in the middle of M and N you come up with the word “MAN”.
The numerical value of the word man is 40+1+50=91. 91 is the same value of his Creator name AMN.
As for the base line of the pyramid, it is 70 units. When we take the (WO)man, the only part of the word of woman is relevant is WO. There is no letter W in the chart. So the only letter that is relevant is letter “O” in woman.
The letter O on the chart has a numerical value of 70.
One can imagine when the first woman was presented to the first man who Amun created. In laying his sight on her, as beautiful as this melanated woman was, it must have been an Oman moment for the first man created. “Oman”

Temple of Amun House of Life
By: Antwin “Tehuti” Henley
Founder/Spiritual Physicist
July 31, 2020
In Saint. Malcolm X’s “Appeal to African heads of State” paragraph 24, he said:
“We pray that our African brothers have not freed themselves of European colonialism only to be overcome and held in check now by American dollarism. Don’t let American racism be “legalized” by American dollarism”.
By Saint Malcolm X
Chairman, Organization of Afro-American Unity
June 1964
In our modern day and time, the personal socioeconomic financial status of Black rappers, singers, entertainers, sport athletes and social media personalities—through their personal success, it is looked upon to represent the socioeconomic financial status advancement of all Black Americans.
St. Malcolm X warned us about this kind of person when he said: “Don’t let American racism be “legalized by American dollarism”.
When these successful Blacks speak out against the racist white Jewish, and the racist white Christian systems; they turn around and apologize for exposing these racists, which shows the power of being bought and paid with American dollars. They are in essence legalizing racism.
For instance, the first Kenya American president Barack Hussein Obama, who severed as the 44th President of the United States. Prompted Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to rejected paying trillions of dollars for slavery, because he believed Obama was elected to make up for slavery.
Another instance, ViacomCBS fired Nick Cannon about the controversial podcast episode for what they claimed he promoted hateful speech and spread anti-Semitic conspiracy theories. ViacomCBS claimed to be against “bigotry of any kind” and denounces “all forms of Antisemitism.
According to ViacomCBS, this is the podcast comments in question include Nick alluding to several anti-Semitic conspiracy theories, including “the Rothschilds, centralized banking” and “the bloodlines that control everything, even outside of America.” He went on to insist he could not be anti-Semitic and called for Black people to reclaim the word “Semitic.” He further said, “You can’t be anti-Semitic when we are the Semitic people,” Nick stated. “That’s our birthright. We are the true Hebrews.”
Let’s do some fact checking.
Nick Cannon claimed “the Rothschild’s centralized banking” and “the bloodlines control everything, even outside of America”.
According to the The Final Wakeup Call:
The Rothschilds are the owners of the entire financial system
The Rothschilds descend from Mayer Amschel Bauer who changed his name to Rothschild, derived from the Red Shields – Rotes Schild – of his house in Frankfurt/am M – Germany. He established his international banking business by deploying his five sons, who set up shop in London, Paris, Frankfurt, Vienna, and Naples. The family was deceitfully elevated to the status of nobility in the Holy Roman Empire and the United Kingdom.
Behind the scenes, the Rothschild dynasty is unquestionably the most powerful bloodline on Earth and their estimated wealth exceeds $500 trillion. They own the entire financial system or 80% of the world’s wealth.
What Nick stated regarding the Rothschild’s owning the entire financial system is true. Rather the world’s wealth is 250 trillion or 500 trillion, they control the world’s banking system and they own 80% of the world’s wealth.
ViacomCBS further said Nick used anti-Semitic remarks by claiming:
- The contemporary white Jews of Israel are of Nordic Caucasus Mountains region Khazarian bloodline, and not of the true bloodline of Hebrew/Semitic people.
The Jewish rabbi is a Jewish scholar or teacher, especially one who studies or teaches Jewish law. There are some who call themselves Zionist; they ascribe to Zionism concepts.
Zionism is both an ideology and nationalist movement among the Jewish people that espouses the re-establishment of and support for a Jewish state in the territory defined as the historic Land of Israel. Modern Zionism emerged in the late 19th century in Central and Eastern Europe as a national revival movement, both in reaction to newer waves of antisemitism and as a response to Haskalah, or Jewish Enlightenment. Soon after this, most leaders of the movement associated the main goal with creating the desired state in Palestine, then an area controlled by the Ottoman Empire.
Since 740 they embarked on a long trek towards world domination. Since 1948, when Zionists succeeded in carving out a Jewish state from the land of the Palestinians, the question “who is a Jew” has been endlessly debated. Zionism is not a religious entity, but a political one. Therefore, all Zionists (both Christian and Jewish) often declare that “God gave the land” of Palestine “to the Jews.” They infer that God deeded territories, in perpetuity, to a biblical tribe of Oriental Middle Eastern people. People whose DNA and lack of Archaeological presence in the so called Middle East, was lacking. In fact, the only evidence of a so called Jewish…hell…a Hebrew presence is based on the say so, of the European fantasy book AND the words of “Jewish” and biblical “scholars”. Since millions of Amurdiklan Christians accept a dogma that God has a Chosen Land and a Chosen People (the Jews), then the question “who is a Jew?” takes on political connotations that impinge on national and international decisions.
When Arthur Koestler carefully researched and produced the land mark book, The Thirteenth Tribe, he refuted the idea of a Jewish “race.” Moreover, he says that most Jews of the contemporary world did not come from Palestine and are not even of Semitic origin. His research shows that most Jews originated in what today is the Soviet Union. And that a group of people there became Jews through conversion, on the orders of their king. “The bulk of modern Jewry is not of Palestinian, but of Caucasian origin,” Koestler writes. “Their ancestors came not from the Jordan but from the Volga, not from Canaan but from the Caucasus.” And he stresses:
“The mainstream of Jewish migrations did not flow from the Mediterranean across France and Germany to the east and then back again. The stream moved in a consistently western direction, from the Caucasus, from the Ukraine into Poland and thence into Central Europe.”
In an article titled: “The Serpent People Return to Ukraine”
by Texe Marrs, Power of Prophecy
August 1, 2014
Marrs writes:
“From the early centuries of the first millennia, the Khazars of Eastern Europe were known as the diabolical “Serpent People,” and now, the nation of Israel has admitted that its people are indeed, the Khazars.
“The admission by the Israelis that the Jews are not related to ancient Israel but to Khazaria was reported in The Times of Israel (Leaked Report: Israel Acknowledges Jews in fact Khazars; Secret Plan for Reverse Migration to Ukraine, March 18, 2014). That article, by Professor Jim Wald, related that the Israeli leadership in Jerusalem is sending military equipment and settlers from Israel to Ukraine.
The Jews have taken charge of that ravaged country’s government and finances and intend eventually to make the Ukraine a “second homeland” for the Jews.
“Their plan, leaked by governmental insiders, came only after Netanyahu and his cabinet reviewed growing DNA genetic evidence that the Jews are not the descendants of Abraham. Instead, they came from Khazaria, of which Kiev, Ukraine is the centerpiece. In fact, the Jews of Israel and the U.S. are of Ukrainian heritage. Ukraine is in the heartland of Khazaria.””” (See “The Serpent People Return to Ukraine”, by Texe Marrs, at
I believe the Article above substantiates Nick Cannon’s claim the modern day Israeli Jews are Khazarian or people from the Nordic Caucasus Mountains region.
- Nick claimed that these Khazars people from the Nordic Caucasus Mountains region were savage, barbaric and more close to animals.
In order to understand Nick’s, claim they are savage, barbaric and more close to animals. First we must understand a document called the Protocols of the Elders of Zion or The Protocols of the Meetings of the Learned Elders of Zion.
While in Eastern Europe a document called the Protocols of the Elders of Zion or The Protocols of the Meetings of the Learned Elders of Zion that purports to describe a Jewish plan for global domination. Although they say it’s a fabrication, it was first published in Russia in 1903, translated into multiple languages, and disseminated internationally in the early part of the 20th century.
The protocol 5 section 5; and protocol 14 sections 1,4-5 purports to show a peculiar pattern that is unique to the Khazars people who descended from the Caucasus calling themselves Jews. Let’s examine the two protocols 5 and 14.
Who are the Elders?
Protocol V |
Despotism and Modern Progress |
- FOR A TIME PERHAPS WE MIGHT BE SUCCESSFULLY DEALT WITH BY A COALITION OF THE “GOYIM” (goyim means Gentiles or Chattel property) OF ALL THE WORLD: but from this danger we are secured by the discord existing among them whose roots are so deeply seated that they can never now be plucked up. We have set one against another the personal and national reckonings of the GOYIM, religious and race hatreds, which we have fostered into a huge growth in the course of the past twenty centuries. This is the reason why there is not one State which would anywhere receive support if it were to raise its arm, for every one of them must bear in mind that any agreement against us would be unprofitable to itself. We are too strong – there is no evading our power. THE NATIONS CANNOT COME TO EVEN AN INCONSIDERABLE PRIVATE AGREEMENT WITHOUT OUR SECRETLY HAVING A HAND IN IT.
There is a section in the Jewish/Christian Bible that supports “FOR A TIME PERHAPS WE MIGHT BE SUCCESSFULLY DEALT WITH BY A COALITION OF THE “GOYIM” (goyim means Gentiles or Chattel property) OF ALL THE WORLD: but from this danger we are secured by the discord existing among them whose roots are so deeply seated that they can never now be plucked up.” They are saying we are so divided, drunk in our minds do to the discord they sown among us as a people; we will never have unity amongst us again.
In Nahum 3:11; also Ezekiel 30:24-26 and 31:10-14 all reads as follows:
Nahum 3:11 Thou also shalt be drunken: thou shalt be hid, thou also shalt seek strength because of the enemy.
Meaning drunk on discord and division. Good example is the many religions: Judaism, Catholicism Christianity and Islam that have many different sects that where handed down by the white Jews and Arabs to the African people to keep the African people divided. Now the African people are hidden in the world calling themselves: Jews, Catholics, Christians, Muslims, Hebrew/Israelites, Americans, Africans, Jamaicans, Haitians, Cubans etc., when in fact, they are all Nigritians.
Ezekiel 30:24-26 says:
24 I will strengthen the arms of Babylon’s king and place My sword in his hand, but I will break the arms of Pharaoh, who will groan before him like a mortally wounded man. 25 I will make the arms of the king of Babylonia stronger. But the arms of Pharaoh will not be able to help Egypt. I will put my sword in Nebuchadnezzar’s hand, when I place My sword in the hand of Babylon’s king, and he wields it against the land of Egypt. 26 When I disperse the Egyptians among the nations and scatter them throughout the lands,”…
The Euro-American slave trade involved the transportation by slave traders of kidnapped Africans who became enslaved African people. To this day, Africans are dispersed throughout the world do to the Euro-American slave trade. And every time someone in the African community raise up to attempt to help its people. Consequently, they are cut down.
Ezekiel 31 10-14 says:
10 “‘Therefore this is what the Sovereign LORD says: Because the great cedar towered over the thick foliage, and because it was proud of its height,
11 I gave it into the hands of the ruler of the nations, for him to deal with according to its wickedness. I cast it aside,
12 and the most ruthless of foreign nations cut it down and left it. Its boughs fell on the mountains and in all the valleys; its branches lay broken in all the ravines of the land. All the nations of the earth came out from under its shade and left it.
13 All the birds settled on the fallen tree, and all the wild animals lived among its branches.
14 Therefore no other trees by the waters are ever to tower proudly on high, lifting their tops above the thick foliage. No other trees so well-watered are ever to reach such a height; they are all destined for death, for the earth below, among mortals who go down to the realm of the dead.
The second part of section 5 says:
“We have set one against another the personal and national reckonings of the GOYIM, religious and race hatreds, which we have fostered into a huge growth in the course of the past twenty centuries.”
I guess these Khazarian Jews will say it is coincident that the Nigritian people despises each other, and hatred of each other for religious reasons or anatomical and physiology reasons. This race hatred was designed by the Khazarian Jews or the Jewish rabbis who taught anti-Africanism, anti-Negroism anti-Blackism, and anti-Nigritianism.
Remember, they been fostering this course for the past twenty centuries. Which is 2000 years.
Remember the meaning of a rabbi, too?
The word rabbi means “my master” in Hebrew. A rabbi is a religious leader of Jewish people.
The Talmud give the statement of law which expands the opinion of a Rabbi, however the quotes below should give you a good idea about Talmudic reasoning of the white rabbis on certain issues of anti-African.
While Jews are not a race or ethnicity, their religion could be racist against dark skinned people. Almost everyone raised in the Christian and Muslim world is familiar with the “Curse of Ham”, the presumed to be biblical curse placed upon Noah’s son Ham whereby not only were his descendants to be the slaves of the earth, but that these cursed people were marked with black skin as a sign of their hexed lineage. Yet, one becomes perplexed when they turn to the actual account of Ham’s curse in the book of Genesis. We never find any description that the curse involves turning their skin black, but it was taught by the white Jewish rabbis.
In Chapter 9 versus 20-27 we read that Ham finds his father Noah drunk and naked. Ham tells his brothers Shem and Japheth who cover Noah with a sheet while turning their eyes away so they do not see their father’s nakedness. When Noah wakes up from his drunkenness, he curses Ham’s descendants though Ham’s son Canaan to become the slaves of both Shem and Japheth (Genesis 9:20-27).
So where did this racist myth come from? The idea that black skin is a curse comes from the Jewish Talmud. In the Talmud book of Sanhedrin 108b, we learn that there were three who had sex while on the ark; a dog, a raven and Noah’s son Ham. All three were punished and Ham’s punishment was in his skin; it is said he was “smitten in his skin” and the footnote claims that this curse produced black skinned “negros”; “negros” are classified with diseased people and called “creatures” in the Talmudic folio of Berakoth 58b.
Thus, later Christians and Muslims conflated one curse with the other and presumed that the “Curse of Ham” stemmed from the bible, but it doesn’t, it is purely Talmudic racism. The “Curse of Ham” myth shows to what extent the African people have been impacted by Judaism and the Talmud.
These Rabbis taught: Three copulated in the ark, and they were all punished — the dog, the raven, and Ham. The dog was doomed to be tied, the raven expectorates [his seed into his mate’s mouth]. and Ham was smitten in his skin. [34] (Babylonian Talmud, Sanhedrin 108b)
FOOTNOTE 34: I.e., from him descended Cush (the negro) who is black-skinned.
- Joshua b. Levi said: On seeing pock-marked persons one says: Blessed be He who makes strange creatures. An objection was raised: If one sees a negro, a very red or very white person, a hunchback, a dwarf or a dropsical person, he says: Blessed be He who makes strange creatures. (Babylonian Talmud, Berakoth 58b)
These rabbis taught Ham’s children were born black and ugly; because Ham had twisted his head to cause Noah embarrassment, they shall have kinky hair and red eyes; because Ham’s lips jested at Noah’s expense, their penises shall swell big; and because Ham neglected Noah’s nakedness, they shall go naked. Over centuries of interpretation by the white Jewish communities, Ham came to be identified as the ancestor of black Africans, and Noah’s curse to be seen as biblical justification for the Euro-American slave trade, slavery and segregation. Examining the history of the White Jewish rabbis’ interpretation of Noah’s curse, shows the prior history of the reception of this scripture and then turns to the distinctive and creative ways in which the curse was appropriated by Euro-American pro-slavery and Euro-American pro-segregation interpreters.
The third part of section 5 says:
“This is the reason why there is not one State which would anywhere receive support if it were to raise its arm, for every one of them must bear in mind that any agreement against us would be unprofitable to itself. We are too strong – there is no evading our power. THE NATIONS CANNOT COME TO EVEN AN INCONSIDERABLE PRIVATE AGREEMENT WITHOUT OUR SECRETLY HAVING A HAND IN IT.”
This third section reminds me of Nick Cannon being forced to apologize for speaking the truth publicly. Nick raise up against the white Jewish community and it was unprofitable to him. As it is stated “THE NATIONS (or person) CANNOT COME TO EVEN AN INCONSIDERABLE PRIVATE AGREEMENT WITHOUT OUR (White Jewish community) SECRETLY HAVING A HAND IN IT.”
The white Jewish community own and controls the entertainment and rap industries.
ViacomCBS is owned by Sumner Murray Redstone (born Sumner Murray Rothstein; May 27, 1923) is an American businessman and media magnate. He is the majority owner and chairman of the board of the National Amusements theater chain. Through National Amusements, Redstone and his family are majority voting shareholders of ViacomCBS (itself the parent company of CBS, MTV, TV Land, VidCon, Smithsonian Channel, CBS Television Studios, CBS Productions, Showtime Networks, Nickelodeon, Paramount Network, Big Ticket Television, ViacomCBS Domestic Media Networks, ViacomCBS Networks International, Comedy Central, Paramount Pictures, Miramax, CBS Television Stations, Network 10 and TV distributor CBS Television Distribution). According to Forbes, as of September 2015, he was worth US$5 billion. ViacomCBS is managed by Ian Isanberg.
Lyor Cohen is an American Israeli; he controls the rap music industry.
Lyor Cohen (Hebrew: ליאור כהן; born October 3, 1959) is an American music industry executive. Cohen has been actively involved in hip hop at various record labels for more than 30 years. He started by managing rappers for Rush Productions, then led Def Jam. After Def Jam, Cohen took on a leadership role at Warner Music Group. In September 2012, Cohen resigned from Warner and started his own independent label, 300 Entertainment. On September 28, 2016, Cohen was named YouTube‘s Global Head of Music.
Lyor Cohen is an American Israeli controls the rap music industry.
obstinate or unreasonable attachment to a belief, opinion, or faction; in particular, prejudice against a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular group.
True bigotry by the white Jewish community.
Before Nick Cannon apologize for making the so call anti-Semitic remarks, he called on the phone Rabbi Abraham Cooper. Cooper stated Cannon gained a better understanding of his harm. Cooper further said, “I think he’s finally owning up to what he did,” Cooper told Jewish Insider, explaining that before they spoke, he sent Cannon a list of hateful remarks that Louis Farrakhan has made over the years. “If you want to talk, I’d like to make sure you read that first,” Cooper said he explained to Cannon. Cooper said, he gave Cannon “a little lesson in Judaism 101. Which is, I think one of the greatest gifts that we gave to the world is the notion that a person can change and you can repent and you do so by owning up to what you did.”
I am wondering if Rabbi Cooper gave Nick a list of the remarks Sephardic Chief Rabbi Yitzhak Yosef who attended a ceremony in Jerusalem, October 22, 2017. The chief rabbi of Israel called black people “monkeys” during his weekly sermon on Saturday evening.
Rabbi Yitzhak Yosef was addressing Jewish legal aspects of the blessing on seeing fruit trees blossoming, during the current Hebrew month of Nissan, and, specifically, whether one should bless one tree or at least two.
In that context, he mentioned a blessing uttered upon seeing an “unusual creature,” citing the example of encountering a black person who has two white parents on the street in America.
In footage aired by the Ynet news site, Yosef could be seen referring to black people by the word “kushi,” which in modern Hebrew has pejorative connotations, and then going on to term a black person a “monkey.”
His office told Ynet that the comparison was a quote from the Talmud.
Yosef has been known to court controversy in his sermons.
In a sermon delivered in May last year, he appeared to suggest during his weekly sermon that secular woman behave like animals because they dress immodestly.
In March 2016, Yosef was forced to retract a comment that non-Jews should not live in Israel, calling it “theoretical.”
He said non-Jews could live in Israel only if they observe the seven Noahide Laws, which are prohibitions against idolatry, blaspheming God, murder, forbidden sexual relations, stealing, and eating limbs off a live animal, and which prescribe the establishment of a legal system.
Non-Jews, Yosef said, are in Israel only to serve Jews.
Also, I am wondering if Rabbi Cooper gave Nick a copy of Black peoples’ reception they get by white Jewish men and women when they visit to Israel?
Israel has two chief rabbis. Yosef represents those with origins in the Iberian Peninsula, North Africa, and the Middle East, and David Lau represents Ashkenazic Jews, with origins in European lands of the Roman Empire.
Nick’s, claim the white Jews…are more close to animals.
The evidence Nick Cannon and so many others like him reply on to make their case “that Whites are more close to animals” is the fact white people share DNA of Neanderthals and australopithecine that evolved from primates.
In which African people do not share any of the Neanderthals and australopithecine’s DNA.
I am the first one to go as far to say these Neanderthals and australopithecines were the fallen angels who came down to earth and sexually amalgamated with African women. The result was a hybrid creature known as the Neanderthals and Europeans.
I classify them as unauthorized species. Only because of the initial angels abandon their spirit home to cloth themselves with flesh without the Supreme Being Creator’s permission.
These unauthorized species lived in the Nordic Mountains of the Carcass Mountains regions. There are some reports that say these unauthorized species crawled on all fours, ate their meat raw, mated with wolves.
African’s have always appeared in the anatomical form of a man, and do not share any DNA of Neanderthals and australopithecines.
I will attempt to connect the dots.
In a book titled: “The Complete Idiot’s Guide To Alchemy, by Dennis William Hauck, he wrote according to the ancient records regarding the fallen angels.
Hauck wrote:
“According to legend, a contingent of godlike beings settled in Egypt and exhibited an advanced spiritual technology that enabled them to transform matter. These angelic visitors were the first alchemists….
“According to hieroglyphic texts, the visitors originated from different levels in the firmament, and their bodies were subtler than humans. Whether for purposes of breeding or out of sheer lust, the visitors were described as unable to resist the temptations of the flesh and desperately wanted to marry young women and have children. The results of these unions were described as giants who had dominion over the earth and its creatures.
“Oddly, the idea of angelic visitors lusting after humans is part of many religious texts around the world. Genesis 6L1-5 describes fallen angels who wanted to have children with the daughters of men”””. (The Complete Idiot’s Guide To Alchemy, by Hauck, page 14-15).
We should take into consideration some key points Hauck made:
- He pointed out a general location where the ancient hieroglyphic texts say these angelic beings (fallen angels) originated from different levels in the firmament (sky), and their bodies were subtler than humans;
- He mentioned the angelic beings settled in Egypt; and,
- sexually amalgamated with women (Humans), and from this this unauthorized union, hybrid children were produced.
It is important to note Hauck mentioned that the ancient hieroglyphic texts indicated these angelic beings had bodies subtler (different) than humans.
Now to me, this is a very important key in the mystery of identifying who were these unauthorized species.
Another major piece in solving the mystery is it is said, they had physical bodies and sexually amalgamated with women, and from this union came hybrid children.
In my quest for knowledge, and during my 35 years of research. I question white and black Christian preachers and Muslim ministers regarding the story in the Bible and Quran that mention fallen angels and jinns. They both told me that the fallen angels and their children produced from this union with women, they all drown during Noah days in the flood.
So they claimed there is no evidence of these fallen angels and their offsprings being on earth.
They further told me, after the flood, Noah and his three son repopulated the earth.
To me, right off it seems that they were lying, and had something to hide. The first thing came to mind was, how is it that they claimed to found dinosaurs’ bones millions of years old, but they cannot find nor have found one remains of a fallen angel who lived several decays ago?
So this prompted me to conduct my own investigation into the fallen angels.
Based on the hieroglyphic, text that were written before the Bible and Quran, say there were these angelic beings who came to earth in spirit form and cloth themselves with physical matter (physical bodies). I learned these beings lived among men and had children with women.
In order to find the answer, first I had to ask myself some simple questions?
(a) Is there any evidence of a species in history outside of human, who sexually amalgamated with human?
(b) From this this unauthorized union, hybrid children were produced?
I will emphatically answer “YES” to the part (a) of the question.
The only evidence by way of DNA that proves a species outside of human bred with human are australopithecines, and Neanderthals.
I will emphatically answer “YES” again in answering the second part (b) of the question that hybrid children were produced form Neanderthals interbreeding with human.
So it been a well-kept secret that the australopithecines were the fallen angels and the Neanderthals; and their offsprings are the true Caucasian Scandinavian, alone with all other so-call white people.
Below is pictures of creatures known as Australopithecines. This is how the fallen angels would have first appeared on earth.
Not totally understanding Amun’s blueprint of man, this is their fell attempt to create a man.
An Australopithecine is defined as:
Australopithecine -a fossil bipedal primate with both ape-like and human characteristics, found in Pliocene and Lower Pleistocene deposits (circa 4 million to 1 million years old) in Africa.
“The flat forehead of extinct australopithecines”

Below is pictures of a reconstructed bones of an Australopithecus named Lucy. This would have been the fallen angels second attempt at creating a perfect man.
Australopithicus is defined as:
Australopithecus, (Latin: “southern ape”) (genus Australopithecus ), group of extinct primates closely related to, if not actually ancestors of, modern human beings and known from a series of fossils found at numerous sites in eastern, north-central, and southern Africa.

After the fallen angels fell twice in their attempts at creating themselves an anatomical bodies like that of man, they began to sexually amalgamating with Amun’s creation of man and woman. The true human being.
The results of that unauthorized union is what we call Neanderthals species.
Below are pictures of reconstructed Neanderthals from fossil found. These Neanderthals is the result of the unauthorized union between fallen angels and man. They are unauthorized species/hybrids.
Neanderthal is defined as:
Neanderthal- an extinct species of human that was widely distributed in ice-age Europe between c.120,000–35,000 years ago, with a receding forehead and prominent brow ridges. The Neanderthals were associated with the Mousterian flint industry of the Middle Paleolithic. An uncivilized, unintelligent, or uncouth type of species. “The Neanderthal” · barbarian· fool · idiot ·
The reason why the Neanderthals complexion is little lighter and less hairy than the Australopithecus and Australopithecines, when they interbred with human, the angel’s spirit of fire caused the blood to boil in the hybrid embryo which cause the child to be born lighter. They are a little less hairy because human being are not as hairy like the Australopithecus.

As the Neanderthals bred more among themselves and not with human any longer,they evolved more into the Caucasian/Scandinavian/European types.

Now there is another type of Neanderthal that went and lived among the K-9 and wolves.
The below pictures is and reconstruction of the Neanderthals that mated and share DNA of wolves and K9 dogs.

It was an article written up in the Seattle pi. The title is “Animals That Share Human DNA Sequences
By Lori Garrett-Hatfield
Lori Garrett-Hatfield has a B.J. in Journalism from the University of Missouri. She has a Ph.D. in Adult Education from the University of Georgia. She has been working in the Education field since 1994, and has taught every grade level in the K-12 system, specializing in English education, and English as a Second Language education.
The article reads impart:
“With the discovery of the structure of deoxyribonucleic acid, and the technology to sequence the genomes of both humans and animals, it is no surprise to find that we have a lot in common with our animal friends. How much humans have in common with animals may come as a bit of a shock. While it is understandable that we share DNA with our cousins the apes, we also share DNA with other, less simian animals.
“Humans and dogs share 84 percent of their DNA””. (See article in the Seattle pi. “Animals That Share Human DNA Sequences”, by Lori Garrett-Hatfield).
It should not be far reaching to say that Neanderthals bred with wolves and dogs. There is an example of wolves raising the two twin brothers. These two brother are said to have later found the city of Rome. You can find statues throughout Rome of the twin brothers being suckled by a female wolf.

The Neanderthal type below is where we get the Semite type people. The Semite allude to the word semi or half– meaning half bred.

Pictures of Semites that evolve from the Homo-Neanderthals

Pictures of Arabs that evolved from Homo-Neanderthals.

John Burridge
B.A, Social Sciences, Southampton Institute (1998)
Answered June 18,2020 · Author has 476 answers and 48K answer views
As I understand it, “cro-magnon” specifically refers to the branch of homo sapiens that settled in Europe (and maybe adjacent parts of the Middle East). There was some interbreeding between them and the neanderthals who were already there. I’ve also read that all modern non-African populations have some neanderthal DNA (between 1% and 4%), whereas Africans* do not (unless they have some non-African admixture). In that sense Africans are pure homo sapiens (rather than pure cro-magnons).
*By “Africans” I mean Black Africans, not the Arab and Berber peoples of North Africa.
We have to keep in mind that pure Africans do now share any Neanderthal DNA.
Africans did not evolve into man, he was created as a man by Amun on a potter’s wheel.
We have to realize that angels do not have souls. Man does have a soul. And when the fallen angels’ cloth themselves with flesh, they became unauthorized species because they were not sanction by Amun to be on earth.
So any hybrid offsprings produced as a result of fallen angels inter breeding with man and woman that Amun created is an unauthorized species.
Angels have a mind, matter (body), and their spirit is made of fire; man have a mind, matter (body), and a soul.
If the two inter breed, both have a mind so that a plus, because it have another mind to anchor on to, both have matter (bodies) to anchor on to, an angel does not have a soul. It does not have another so to anchor on to pass a soul to their offsprings when inter breeding with man.
All Caucasians/Europeans/White Semites Jews/Arabs/White Orientals are unauthorized species.
Angels Mind Matter Spirit of Fire
+ + –
Man Mind Matter Soul

Who are the Elders?
Protocol XIV Assault on Religion
- When we come into our kingdom it will be undesirable for us that there should exist any other religion than ours of the One God with whom our destiny is bound up by our position as the Chosen People and through whom our same destiny is united with the destinies of the world. We must therefore sweep away all other forms of belief. If this gives birth to the atheists whom we see to-day, it will not, being only a transitional stage, interfere with our views, but will serve as a warning for those generations which will hearken to our preaching of the religion of Moses, that, by its stable and thoroughly elaborated system has brought all the peoples of the world into subjection to us. Therein we shall emphasize its mystical right, on which, as we shall say, all its educative power is based …. Then at every possible opportunity we shall publish articles in which we shall make comparisons between our beneficent rule and those of past ages. The blessing of tranquility, though it be a tranquility forcibly brought about by centuries of agitation, will throw into higher relief the benefits to which we shall point. The errors of the GOYIM governments will be depicted by us in the most vivid hues. We shall implant such an abhorrence of them that the peoples will prefer tranquility in a state of serfdom to those rights of vaunted freedom which have tortured humanity and exhausted the very sources of human existence, sources which have been exploited by a mob of rascally adventurers who know not what they do …. USELESS CHANGES OF FORMS OF GOVERNMENT TO WHICH WE INSTIGATED THE “GOYIM” WHEN WE WERE UNDERMINING THEIR STATE STRUCTURES, WILL HAVE SO WEARIED THE PEOPLES BY THAT TIME THAT THEY WILL PREFER TO SUFFER ANYTHING UNDER US RATHER THAN RUN THE RISK OF ENDURING AGAIN ALL THE AGITATIONS AND MISERIES THEY HAVE GONE THROUGH. WE SHALL FORBID CHRIST
- IN COUNTRIES KNOWN AS PROGRESSIVE AND ENLIGHTENED WE HAVE CREATED A SENSELESS, FILTHY, ABOMINABLE LITERATURE. For some time after our entrance to power we shall continue to encourage its existence in order to provide a telling relief by contrast to the speeches, party program, which will be distributed from exalted quarters of ours …. Our wise men, trained to become leaders of the GOYIM, will compose speeches, projects, memoirs, articles, which will be used by us to influence the minds of the GOYIM, directing them towards such understanding and forms of knowledge as have been determined by us.
I am going to be dissecting “Protocol XIV Assault on Religion Section One”, in particularly:
“When we come into our kingdom it will be undesirable for us that there should exist any other religion than ours of the One God with whom our destiny is bound up by our position as the Chosen People and through whom our same destiny is united with the destinies of the world.”
These conquers religions has always been that of sun worship. We must look into the historical conquest of the Nigritian people lands by these unauthorized species that stems back as far as the 5th Dynasty BCE.
When I mention the word “unauthorized species” I am making reference to the fallen angles and their evolutionary development of the earlier stages of the fallen angles to the organism/genetic offspring of the Europeans/Caucasian race. These are the ones who call themselves the Chosen People.
There are two lands that the unauthorized species sought out to conquer from the Nigritian people. Those land were Kemet and Palestine; only because those kingdoms where the epicenter of the worship of Amun.
Furthermore, we must take into consideration that in protocol XIV, we are talking about a conquest to not only seized land, but to overthrow a cultural spiritual system. We must first start with the evolution of the people called white people. Although I have covered it in great details above. There is still points to be made regarding their evolution and conquest.
When looking at these unauthorized species spiritual evolution and conquest. And, of their god hoovering over the deep waters.
We first find this story in the ancient Hyksos people cosmology in that of Heliopolis (City of Sun Worship), an ancient sun cult centre.
The story is told: “In the beginning was the wild watery chaos called Nun, it was the home of the Great Father. He was Nun, for he was the deep, and he gave life to the sun god who said: “Lo! I am Khepera at dawn, Ra at high noon and Atum at eventide. The god of brightness (the sun) first emerged as a shining egg that floated on the water’s breast, and the spirits of the deep, who were the Fathers and the Mothers, were with him there, as he was with Nu, for they were the companions of Nun.
Now I am going to tell you that the sun god-Ra, the spirits that are called the Fathers and Mothers that was with him are actually referring to the fallen angels.
Some may ask, “How do you draw this parallel of Ra and these spirits being the fallen angels?
If you study the ancient teaching of Tehuti, you will come to understand that he was the one who taught the first people writing, wisdom, mathematics, geometry, religion, how to build the pyramids etc. There was considerable animosity between the priesthood of Tehuti and that of Ra. Because Tehuti taught the first people that Amun created the world, and everything in it.
He taught against the sun god-Ra being the creator of the world. Because of Tehuti’s teaching there were animosity between the priest of Amun and the priest of Ra.
We know the first people in Kemet were taught by Tehuti. And the people of Kemet did not learn about the sun god-Ra until after the 5th dynasty BCE.
In a book titled: “Ancient Egypt: Myth and History” by Geddes & Grosset, they wrote: The worship of the solar disc was unknown to the early Mediterranean people…. Nor did it rise into prominence in the land of the pharaohs until after the erection of the Great Pyramids near Cairo. The kings did not become ‘sons of the sun’ until the Fifth Dynasty. (See Ancient Egypt: Myth and History page 31, by Geddes & Grosset).
They know it was the Hyksos people who introduce the sun god Ra worship to the people of Kemet.
“[T}he Theban (Kemetic) cult must have held popular appeal and helped to rally the mass of the people to throw off the Hyksos Ra and Sutekh worshippers” (See Geddes & Grosset page 228).
Now the question is who were the Hyksos?
We know the word ‘Hyksos’ was a term of contempt for a people whom the proud Egyptians made scornful reference to as ‘the polluted’ or ‘the impure’. (See Geddes & Grosset page 228).
Geddes & Grosset in their book they quoted Josephus as saying the Hyksos were the Israelite people.
“Josephus, the patriotic Jewish historian, who believed that the Hyksos were ‘the children of Israel’, quoted Manetho as saying that ‘they were a people of ignoble race who had confidence to invade our country, which they subdued easily without having to fight a battle. They set our towns on fire; they destroyed the temples of the gods, and caused the people to suffer every kind of barbarity. During the entire period of their dynasty they waged war against the people of Egypt, wishing to exterminate the whole race…. The foreigners were called Hyksos, which signifies “shepherd Kings”.’ (see Geddes &Grosset page 209).
First, I had to lay the ground work showing that the Hyksos and Israelite people are one in the same people.
Even when you compare the creation story of the Hyksos people and that of the Israelite people they are the same creation stories.
The Hyksos people account of creation: “In the beginning was the wild watery chaos called Nun, it was the home of the Great Father. He was Nun, for he was the deep, and he gave life to the sun god who said: “Lo! I am Khepera at dawn, Ra at high noon and Atum at eventide. The god of brightness (the sun) first emerged as a shining egg that floated on the water’s breast, and the spirits of the deep, who were the Fathers and the Mothers, were with him there, as he was with Nu, for they were the companions of Nun.
The Israelite people account of creation in the Jewish/Christian bible. The Bible story of creation includes or make reference to god the father and son just as the creation account of the sun god Ra.
The bible also say god has always existed, and He has always existed as God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Even at creation He says, “Let Us make man in Our image. Jesus as God was there creating at the beginning. (John 1; Colossians 1).
Keep in mind that sun god Ra creation account, they claim the Nun was the father of Ra, and it says that it was other spirits present in the deep who were called the Fathers and Mothers. Would that be the equivalent of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit? But just as the sun cult account of creation, the Jewish bible says:
Genesis 1:1-2 says
1In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. 2And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. (KJV Genesis 11-2).
In the Hyksos account they said the spirits that was with the Father and Son helped to create the people on earth. ‘and the spirits of the deep, who were the Fathers and the Mothers, were with him there, as he was with Nun, for they were the companions of Nun…. Then Geb, the earth god, came into being and Nut, the goddess of the firmament, who became the parents of Osiris and his consort, Isis, and the also Seth and his consort, Nepthys. (See Geddes & Grosset page 34).
Remember Osiris, Isis, Seth, and Nepthys were supposed to been flesh and blood people who walk the earth.
Is it not the equivalent of the saying in the King James Bible “And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness (KJV Genesis 1:26). It the word Us meaning plural like in many?
Now that I have made the parallel between the Hyksos and the people known as Israelites, that they are essentially the same people.
I can now identify the identity of the fallen angels who we learned above “originated from different levels in the firmament, and their bodies were subtler (different) than humans. (Hauck page 15).
Also, we just learned that Geb, the earth god, and Nut, the goddess of the firmament were the parents of Osiris, Isis, Seth and Nepthys.
Was it not one of the key points that the fallen angels came from the firmament?
So now you can conclude that the pantheon of gods (angels) with the sun god Ra, and the sun god Yahweh–when he says let us create mankind in our image are referring to the fallen angels who originated from the firmament.
Although their creation accounts are the same, so is their conquests are the same, too.
At one time, all of Africa, to the Eastern Mediterranean (originally known as Palestine) worship only Amun.
Amun was known as “Amun the Supreme Being of Egypt (Africa) and Palestine”.
These where the two lands or the two lands the Hyksos/Semitic/Hebrew/Israelite people set out to conquer.
According to the Ancient History Encyclopedia, under the word Palestine it says:
“Egypt’s influence is evident in the pattern of burial rituals in the region which closely mirror Egypt’s in terms of the type of grave goods included in the tombs. This partnership continued to benefit both Egypt and the Palestine region until the arrival of the Semitic peoples known as the Hyksos in c. 1725 BCE.”
Palestine – (See Ancient History Encyclopedia

‘The Monument above show Seti I (who worshipped Amun) in Palestine fighting against the Hyksos invaders.
Also, we can see Amun is seated as Supreme Being over Palestine on the hieroglyphic writing on the monument wall.
The Kemetic people in ancient times did not believe the Hyksos were actually human beings. They called them polluted and impure.
The Hyksos were first known as the Sons of Ra. Later became known as the Semites who were called the Children of Israel. As the Hyksos they set out to conquer Kemet (Egypt) and Semites they set out to conquer Palestine (The Land Canaan).
“[T}he Theban (Kemetic) cult must have held popular appeal and helped to rally the mass of the people to throw off the Hyksos Ra and Sutekh worshippers” (See Geddes & Grosset page 228).
“[T]hey were a people of ignoble race who had confidence to invade our country, which they subdued easily without having to fight a battle. They set our towns on fire; they destroyed the temples of the gods, and caused the people to suffer every kind of barbarity. During the entire period of their dynasty they waged war against the people of Egypt, wishing to exterminate the whole race…. The foreigners were called Hyksos”. (see Geddes &Grosset page 209).
“[T]he policy adopted by the (Hyksos) priests of the sun (god-Ra) was to absorb every existing religious cult in Egypt. They permitted the worship of any god, or group of gods, so long as Ra was regarded as the Great Father”. (See Geddes & Grosset pages 31-32).
The priest of Amun refused to worship the sun-god Ra.
Geddes & Grosset wrote:
“The supernatural enemies of Ra were slain nightly by spears, which were sun rays, and knives, which were flames of fire, as well as by powerful magic spells. When the god had passed by, all the demons came to life again. Ra’s human enemies were those, apparently, who had not worshipped him on earth. Such were consigned to torture in lakes of everlasting fire. (Geddes & Grosset page 142).
Elsewhere they wrote:
“As Ra grew old ruling over men, there were those among his subjects who spoke disdainfully about him, saying: ‘Old indeed, is King Ra, for ow his bones are silver and his flesh is turned to gold, although his hair is still true lapis lazuli [dark]
“To Ra came knowledge of the words that were spoken about him, and there was much anger in his heart, because there were rebellious saying on the lips of men and because they sought also to kill him. He spoke to his divine followers and said:
“…. Let all the gods assemble in my great temple at Heliopolis.
“The gods assembled as Ra wished, and they bowed before him. Then they said:
‘Speak what you wish to say and we will hear.’
“He addressed the gods, saying: “O Nu, you, the eldest god, from whom I had my being, and you, ancestral gods, hear and know now that rebellious words are spoken against be by mankind… Lo! They seek even to kill me….For lo! I wish in my heart to destroy utterly that which I did create. All the world will become a waste of water through a great flood, as it was at the beginning, and I alone shall be left remaining, with no one else beside me except Osiris and his son Horus.
“Then spoke Nu…Hear me now, O my son, throne; great is the fear of you among men. Let your eye go forth against those who are rebels in the kingdom.
“Ra heard and, as was his will, his eye went forth as Hathor against mankind among the mountains, and they were speedily slain. The goddess rejoiced in her work and drove over the land, so that for many nights she waded in blood. (See Geddes & Grosset pages37-38).
They further wrote:
“Then darkness came on. Men came out from their hiding places in great fear, and when they saw Ra departing from them, they were sorrowful because of the rebellious words that had been spoken against him. Indeed, they cried to Ra, beseeching him to kill those of his enemies who still remained…Then his faithful subjects armed themselves with weapons, and they sallied forth against the enemies of the sun god and slaughtered them in battle…. In millions they came to praise and glorify Ra” (See Geddes & Grosset page 39).
To prevent the people of Kemet from having a civil war over the worship of the sun god-Ra, and the Supreme Being Amun. The priest of Amun, and priest of Ra got together and agreed to fuse the Supreme Being Amun and the sun god Ra as one god.
Grosset wrote:
“As a Great Father deity, Amun…His fusion with the sun god of Heliopolis, which was accomplished purposes, made the change complete, for he became Amun-Ra, the great representative deity of Egypt, who combines the attributes of all other gods.” (See Geddes & Grosset page 228).
Eventually the priesthood of Amun where able to expel the Hyksos out of Egypt, and resume the pure worship of Amun by unfusing the sun god-Ra with Amun.
Geddes & Grosset wrote:
“[T]he Theban cult (Priest of Amun) must have held popular appeal and helped to rally the mas of the people to throw off the yoke of the Hyksos Ra and Sutekh worshippers. (See Geddes & Grosset page 228).
Elsewhere, the online Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia under the word “Amun” says:
“Rise of cult after expulsion of Hyksos” “When the army of the founder of the Eighteenth dynasty expelled the Hyksos rulers from Egypt, the victor’s city of origin, Thebes, became the most important city in Egypt, the capital of a new dynasty. The local patron deity of Thebes, Amun, therefore became nationally important. The pharaohs of that new dynasty attributed all their successful enterprises to Amun and they lavished much of their wealth and captured spoil on the construction of temples dedicated to Amun. The cultural advances achieved by the pharaohs of this dynasty brought Egypt into a cultural renaissance, restoring trade and advancing architectural design to a level that would not be achieved by any other culture for a thousand years.
“As the Egyptians (Nigritians) considered themselves oppressed during the period of the Hyksos rule, the victory accomplished by pharaohs worshiping Amun was seen as a champion of the less fortunate. Consequently, Amun was viewed as upholding the rights of justice for the poor. By aiding those who traveled in his name, he became the Protector of the road. Since he upheld Maat (truth, justice and goodness), those who prayed to Amun were required, first to demonstrate that they were worthy by confessing their sins.”” (See page 2).
As we can see, the fallen angels whose story of their originating on earth was framed in the cosmology of the sun god-Ra, and his pantheon called the Ennead where a group of nine deities (fallen angels): “Ra-Atum, Shu, Tefnut, Geb, Nut, Osiris, Isis, Nephthys and Seth”. (See Geddes page 361).
We know Ra and his pantheon are fallen angels because they are the ones who it is said originate from the firmament calling selves divine beings.
Hauck wrote:
“According to legend Isis, her brother and sister, her husband Osiris, and five similar divine beings settled a Heliopolis, which became the center for alchemy in Egypt”. (Hauck page 15).
Remember the sun god-Ra was not only the literal sun, but he also is said to had materialized as a physical man-god.
Geddes wrote:
“Ra is the first human god…. Ra was made manifest”. (Geddes page 34).

After the Nigritians in Kemet worshipping the Supreme Being Amun were able to successfully expel the Hyksos priests of the sun god-Ra. The Hyksos re-appeared in Kemet under a new sun worshipping system lead by the pharaoh Amenophis IV, who later changed his name to Akhenaten. Akhenaten believed in the sun god Aten.
Aten is the empty sun disc without the fire.

In a book titled: “Classical Africa by Molefi Kete Asante”. He wrote:
“Amenhotep (also spelt Amenophis), decided that, since he was king, he would make Aten, the sun dish that you see in the sky, the one supreme god to be worshiped in Egypt. He then became to preach his own religious theology. He said that there was but one god and his name was Aten.
“Predictable, the priests at the temple of Amen were very angry. They considered Aten a very minor almost insignificant god, or deity. This new theology seemed sacrilegious to them…. They did not see how the outline of the sun, the disk of the sun, could be so important.”” (See Classical Africa page 49, by Asante).
Also, Grosset wrote:
“Akhenaten began to reign as Amenophis IV. With the purpose, apparently, of effecting the immediate conversion of Thebes (Kemet), he began the erection of a temple to Aten (or Aton) in close proximity to that of Amun. Before long an open rupture between the priesthood and the pharaoh became the chief topic of political interest. Amun’s high priests had been accustomed to occupying high and influential positions at court…. Akhenaten was threatening the cult with complete political extinction. Then something was done, or attempted to be done, by the priestly party, that roused the anger of the strong-minded young king, for he suddenly began to wage a war of bitter persecution against Amun. Everywhere the god’s name was chipped from the monuments; the tombs were entered, and the young pharaoh did not spare even the name of his father. It was at this time that he himself became known officially as Akhenaten, ‘the spirit of Aten’ –the human incarnation of the strange god.” (Geddes & Grosset page 263-264).
The sun god Aten also spelt Adon the sole lord of the Universe according to Akhenaten. Who he believed not the complete sun, but the heat from the sun was the one and only god.
Grosset wrote:
“He believed in the ‘one and only god’, Ate, whose power was manifested in the beneficent sun.
“Although Aten was a sun god, he was not the material sun; he was the First Cause manifested by the sun, ‘from which all things came, and from which ever issued froth the life-giving and life-sustaining influence symbolized by rays ending in hands that support and nourish human beings’.
“[T]his new worship evolved out of the old Aten of Heliopolis, the sole lord or Adon of the Universe.””” (Grosset & Geddes page 265).
They further wrote:
“There was Aten cult at Heliopolis which taught that the creator Ra was ‘Shu in his Aten’. Aten is the solar disc and Shu is the air god, the source of “the air of life’…. according to Akhenaten’s religion, ‘heat which is in Aten’…. The air of life was the sun-heated air; life was warmth and breath”. (Geddes pages 266-267).
What is important hear is the sun god-Ra and the sun god-Aten is essentially the same god. Ra is the physical sun and Aten is the warmth air of the same sun.
A lot of people may look at this dual god in one sense as insignificant. They may say because it is sacrilegious to worship any part of the sun as god. If any worshipping system attaches its god as being the embodiment or essence of the sun, then that religion is sacrilegious. But it is important to understand the connection of Aten, Aton and Adon in the Hyksos/Israelite people conquest and their pantheon sun god system.
What is important here, it was said Ra traveled in his Aten. What does this actually means? Ra needing “Aten to travel in; this is making reference that through Akhenaten the sun god-Ra was able to reestablish himself under a new religion founded by Akhenaten.
Also, Akhenaten had become the prototype of a perfected man by the unauthorized species. This type was able to blend in among the Nigritian people in Kemet with little detection. But Akhenaten still had some adnormalities regarding his physiology.
Queen Tiye was Akhenaten’ s mother whose miraculous conception predates the Mary and Jesus by two thousand years. This conception symbolizes the negative aspect of female energy while the sun symbolizes negative use of the male fallen angel energy that were both used to produce hybrid children who were called sons of Ra, or Aten-child or the Aten-Christ or Child-Christ
Some writers describe it as negative female moon energy or negative male sun energy that symbolizes the sexual union that produced a child.
The Queen Tiye it was claim she was visited by a representative of the sun god Aten. She was told by the representative the sun god Aten’s spirit would cause her to conceives a son by the sun god’s spirit miraculously while maintaining her virginity.
During our modern day, the virgin woman name was changed from Queen Tiye to Mary and child’s name was changed from Akhenaten to Jesus or the Child-Christ.
Before the so-called virgin birth of Jesus, there had already been a concept of the story of the annunciation, the miraculous conception, the birth and the adoration of messianic infant.
In fact, it had already been engraved in stone and represented in four consecutive scenes in the Temple of Luxor located in Africa about 1700 B.C., or some seven teen centuries before Mary and Jesus supposedly existed.
The older concept of the virgin birth story in Egypt became the prototype of a child of the fallen angels that could blend in with the Nigritian people. This prototype had more melanated skin completion.
In ancient times, Queen Tiye and her son Akhenaten were known as the mother of god, and the Aten-Christ or Child-Christ.

In this picture above we have the Annunciation, the Conception, the Birth, and the Adoration, as described in the First and Second Chapters of Luke’s Gospel; and as we have historical assurance that the chapters in Matthew’s Gospel which contain the Miraculous Birth of Jesus are an after addition not in the earliest manuscripts, it seems probable that these two poetical chapters in Luke may also be unhistorical, and be borrowed from the Egyptian accounts of the miraculous birth of their kings.”
In most of Akhenaten’ statues of him, he is always depicted with abnormalities or features that are not totally human.

A head of a daughter of Akhenaton has abnormalities that shows not totally human features.
A head of a daughter of Akhenaton, It is thought to represent a princess, daughter of Akhenaten and Nefertiti. Found in the workshop of the chief sculptor Djehutymes. Egypt. Ancient Egyptian. Amarna period c 1353 1335 BC. Tell el Amarna. (Photo by Werner Forman/Universal Images Group/Getty Images)

Here are other depictions of Akhenaten’ children with abnormalities that shows not totally human features

During Akhenaten reign as pharaoh, he waged a relentless war against the priesthood of Amun. We have to remember that Kemet (Egypt) was founded on the worship of the Supreme Being Amun.
Grosset wrote:
“The fall of the Amun party was complete. For several years the eight temples of Amun at Thebes (Kemet/Egypt) lay empty and silent. Their endowments had been confiscated for Aten, to whom new temples were erected in the Faiyum and at Memphis, Heliopolis, Hermonthis and Hermopolis.” (Grosset & Geddes page 270).
The priests of Amun oversaw vast amounts of wealth that belonged to Temples of Amun.
Asante wrote:
“At one time, 3000 priests were connected with the temple to Amen. It was the responsibility of the priests to interpret the theology, or the religious philosophy and beliefs.
“The priests of Amen had become so wealthy and powerful that the head priests, led by two high priests, Suti and Her, controlled hundreds of additional priests.
These priests helped with the functions of the religion, much like preachers in churches today. Thousands of people had to be taken care of each day and on special high holy days. To do this, the priests needed money for their 83 ships, 46 worksites where they quarried special stones and minerals, 450,000 animals, and the many acres of farmland they had to run, on which crops were raised to feed the priests and other people who served the great temples!”” (Asante pages47,49).
Asante further wrote:
“Thebes may have been the oldest known city in the ancient world at the time. It was the greatest city in the Egypt (Kemet). It had more important sites and people, temples, universities, doctors, sesh (or scribes), artists, and artisans than any other place in the world at that time.” (Asante page 50).
The end game of Akhenaten was to cause the worship of Amun to become extinct. That meant destroying thousands of years of history. What was Akhenaten’s reasons of wanting to destroy the worship of Amun?
Geddes wrote:
“An endeavor was made to enforce the worship of Aten by royal decree all over Egypt, with the result that the great mass of the people, who appear to have shown little concern regarding the fall of the tyrannical Amun party, was aroused to oppose with feelings of resentment, an uncalled-for interference with the immemorial folk customs and beliefs that were so closely associated with their habits of life.
“All references to Amun were expunged, and the ‘hidden’ was replaced by the ‘visible’ god.”” (Geddes pages 270,315).
Now we see, Amun being the Hidden God in spirit form was replaced by the sun as god and Akhenaten as the incarnation of the sun god-Aten.
Geddes wrote:
“It was at this time the he himself became known officially as Akhenaten, ‘the spirit of Aten’ –the human incarnation of the strange god.” (Geddes & Grosset page 264).
Geddes further wrote:
“Then he (Akhenaten) decided to desert Thebes, and at Amarna, about 300 miles farther south, he caused to be laid out a ‘garden city’, in which were built a gorgeous palace, which surpassed that of his father, and a great temple dedicated to ‘the one and only god’. Aten temples were also erected in Nubia, near the third cataract, and in Syria at a point that has not been located.” (Geddes page 264).
It’s said, Akhenaten died while still a young man and left no son to succeed him. Semenkh-ka-ra, who had married a princess, became the next pharaoh, but he appears to have been deposed by another son-in-law of the ‘heretic’, named Tutenk-aton, who returned to Thebes, allied himself with the priests (of Amun) and called himself Tutankhamun ‘image of Amun’.” (Geddes page 270-271).
Tutankhamun also known as King Tut took the throne at nine years of age under the advisor Ay who the power behind the throne during Akhenaten, and who had taught Akhenaten to worship the sun god-Aten from a child under till his reign as pharaoh.
Ay or Ai (Eye), who called himself Kheperkheperure— “Everlasting are the Manifestations of Ra” while his nomen Ay it-netjer reads as “Ay, Father of the God. “and then a military revolt, instigated by the priests, brought to the throne, after a brief period of anarchy, Horemheb, a member of the provincial nobility who secured his position by marrying a princess of the royal line. He popularized himself with the worshippers of the ancient cults by ruthlessly persecuting the adherents of the religion of Akhenaten, erasing the name of Aten everywhere. He appears to have re-established the power of Egypt over a part of Palestine, and he restored order in the kingdom. So the Eighteenth Dynasty came to an end about two and a half centuries after the expulsion of the Hyksos. (Geddes page 271).
The ruthlessly persecuting the adherents of the religion of Akhenaten, erasing the name of Aten everywhere. Is what caused the Hyksos change their identity to the Children of Israel. And all the attributes of the sun god-Aten and spelt Adon was giving to new sun god known today as Yahweh, Jehovah, Adonai.
Rather people want to say Akhenaten was Moses, and Akhenaten’s exodus out of Kemet marks the true exodus, or Akhenaten and Moses were contemporaries. It really does not make any difference because Akhenaten’ religion, and Moses religion are equally the same religions. We must remember too, that at the time Akhenaten was being brought up in Egypt, so was Moses according to the dynasty.
Akhenaten lived 11353-1336, or 1351-1334 BCE of the Eighteenth Dynasty.
Traditionally which said: Moses, Hebrew Moshe, (flourished 14th–13th century bce), Hebrew prophet, teacher, and leader who, in the 13th century bce (before the Common Era, or bc), delivered his people from Egyptian slavery. This would have put him in the cross hairs of Akhenaten. Reason being, both Akhenaten and Moses are both said to start their own monotheists religions based on the worship of the one and true god.
Geddes wrote:
“[T]he god of Akhenaten lies in this –Aten was not the chief of a pantheon, he was the one and only god.” (Geddes & Grosset page 267).
Exodus 20:3 says: “You shall have no other gods before me”.
The sun god-Aten is said to been a jealous sun god
Geddes further
“The Aten, says Professor Petrie, ‘was the only instance of a “jealous god” in Egypt, and this worship was exclusive of all others, and claims universality”. (Geddes & Grosset page 267).
Exodus 20:5 says “I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God”.
The problem is there is records of Akhenaten’s exodus out of Egypt, but there are no records of any Hebrew/Israelite people in slavery in Egypt or any exodus. The Egyptians historians and scribes kept records of all important events in Egypt.
Now I am going to explain to you what transpired. After Akhenaten’s death, and under the ruler ship Horemheb, he popularized himself with the worshippers of the ancient cults by ruthlessly persecuting the adherents (people) of the religion of Akhenaten, erasing the name of Aten everywhere. That to say, if anyone were caught honoring Akhenaten or worshipping the sun god Aten or Adon that meant death. So the religious practice of Atenism when underground, and was reinvented my Akhenaten’s adherents or followers.
The sun god-Aten/Adon name was disguised as Adon-ai which is the sun god’s name in the Jewish and Christian bible.
[aˈdōnī, ˈadōˌnoi]
Adonai (noun)
- a Hebrew name for God.
from Hebrew ‘ăḏōnāy; see also Jehovah.
The name Adonai was said to been revealed to Moses only, that no one else knows this name.
Adonai is a compound word Adon + Ai. When combined you get Adonai. Adon was the sun god Aten or Adon, and Ai was the name of the priests who raised Akhenaten to worship the sun god Aten.
I found it rather interesting to find when you take the words of the god speaking to Moses as to who he was, and to whom he was god too, in the Exodus chapter three. You come up with the “I AM God Amenophis III” which is Akhenaten’s name.
IAM+God+Noah+Abraham+Isaac+Jacob+Joseph+Tribe this can be seen as an anagram for:
“I AM God Amenophis III” (G=3 in Hebrew).
The god of the bible said his name is I AM, and he is the God of Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob Joseph, and the “Tribe.
Exodus chapter three says:
2 The Adonai/Yahweh/Jehovah appeared unto him in a flame of fire out of the midst of a bush: and he looked, and, behold, the bush burned with fire, and the bush was not consumed.”
What is important to understand here is Akhenaten’s god Aten was a sun god.
Remember Akhenaten claimed although his god was a sun god, it was not the complete sun, only the empty sun disc which he identified as warmth air.
The god of the Jewish/Christian bible also identifies himself as a sun god according to Psalm 84, who is the fire of the sun.
Remember it was the fire of the sun missing from the empty sun disc from making it a complete sun in Akhenaten’s religion.

Psalm 84:11. The Adonai God is a sun.
According to Moses who got all his education and wisdom from the Egyptians (Acts 7:22).
If so, psalm 84:11 should read “The Adonai God is an Aten” or “The Adonai God is a Ra”.
Also, the sun god-Adonai said his name is the Sun of Righteous
Malachi 4:2 But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of Righteousness arise with healing in his wings

Just as all the sun gods Ra and Aten, that was before Adonai/Yahweh/Jehovah, too, Adonai materialized into a man’s body.
It is said in the Jewish/Christian bible that Adonai appear as a man to Abraham and Jacob.
Genesis 18:1 “The Adonai appeared to Abraham near the great trees of Mamre while he was setting at the entrance of his tent in the heat of the day”.
Genesis 32:24-31 says,
24So Jacob was left alone, and a man wrestled with him till daybreak. 25When the man saw that he could not overpower him, he touched the socket of Jacob’s hip so that his hip was wrenched as he wrestled with the man. 26Then the man said, “Let me go, for it is daybreak.” But Jacob replied, “I will not let you go unless you bless me.” 27The man asked him, “What is your name?” “Jacob,” he answered. 28Then the man said, “Your name will no longer be Jacob, but Israel, because you have struggled with God and with humans and have overcome.” 29Jacob said, “Please tell me your name.” But he replied, “Why do you ask my name?” Then he blessed him there. 30So Jacob called the place Peniel, saying, “It is because I saw God face to face, and yet my life was spared.” 31The sun rose above him as he passed Peniel, and he was limping because of his hip.
What is important here is verse 30 that says Jacob met God face to face. Verse 30 “ So Jacob called the place Peniel, saying, “It is because I saw God face to face, and yet my life was spared”.

Just like the sun gods “Ra” and “Aten” who was against the priesthood of Amun. So is the Adonai of the Jewish/Christian religion.
Jeremiah 46:25 says,
25The LORD Almighty, the God of Israel, says: “I am about to bring punishment on Amon (Amun) god of Thebes, on Pharaoh, on Egypt and her gods and her kings, and on those who rely on Pharaoh.
The sun god-Ra through his Aten spirt impregnated a virgin girl.

In this picture above we have the Annunciation, the Conception, the Birth, and the Adoration, as described in the First and Second Chapters of Luke’s Gospel; and as we have historical assurance that the chapters in Matthew’s Gospel which contain the Miraculous Birth of Jesus are an after addition not in the earliest manuscripts, it seems probable that these two poetical chapters in Luke may also be unhistorical, and be borrowed from the Egyptian accounts of the miraculous birth of their kings.”
Adonai/Yahweh/Jehovah through his spirit impregnate the virgin name Mary.
Matthew 1:1-23 says:
18This is how the birth of Jesus the Messiah came about: His mother Mary was pledged to be married to Joseph, but before they came together, she was found to be pregnant through the Holy Spirit. 19Because Joseph her husband was faithful to the law, and yet did not want to expose her to public disgrace, he had in mind to divorce her quietly. 20But after he had considered this, an angel of the LORD appeared to him in a dream and said, “Joseph son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife, because what is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit. 21She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.” 22All this took place to fulfill what the LORD had said through the prophet: 23“The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel” (which means “God with us”).
Both are the exact same stories told.
Because the white Jews claim to be Adonai’s chosen people.
The White Christian retold the story of Akhenaten’s birth. But they renamed Akhenaten to Jesus, and depict Jesus as one of them a Scandinavian blonde hair, blue eyes and pale skin.

This image of the Jesus is the image of the “Beast whose number equal 666.
Revelation 13:11-18 says:
11 Then I saw a second beast, coming out of the earth. It had two horns like a lamb, but it spoke like a dragon.
12 It exercised all the authority of the first beast on its behalf, and made the earth and its inhabitants worship the first beast, whose fatal wound had been healed.
13 And it performed great signs, even causing fire to come down from heaven to the earth in full view of the people.
14 Because of the signs it was given power to perform on behalf of the first beast, it deceived the inhabitants of the earth. It ordered them to set up an image in honor of the beast who was wounded by the sword and yet lived.
15 The second beast was given power to give breath to the image of the first beast, so that the image could speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed.
16 It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads,
17 so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name.
18 This calls for wisdom. Let the person who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man. That number is 666.
The first beast was Akhenaten, and second beast is Jesus. The people on earth was told to made a image to the first beast. The image is Jesus set in place of Akhenaten, and who Christians actually worship is Akhenaten who fatal wounded by the sword, but whose live through the image. It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name.
Verse 18 says: “This calls for wisdom. Let the person who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man. That number is 666”.
S = 114
C = 18
A = 6
N = 84
D = 24
I = 54
N = 84
A = 6
V = 132
I = 54
A = 6
N = 84
C = 18
H = 48
R = 108
I = 54
S = 114
T = 120
O = 90
S = 114
Temple of Amun House of Life
By: Antwin “Tehuti” Henley
Founder/Spiritual Physicist
August 9, 2020
What Religion Blacks In The United States Practice, Is It True Chiristianity?
By: Antwin “Tehuti” Henley
Founder/Spiritual Physicist
September 1, 2020
Where Did The Word Sin Come From?
First, I wanted to clear up a few things, because there are so many people, who claims to be part of the conscious community, and just because they have a strong disdain for Europeans, they throw everything out with the wash. Because of their strong disdain, some reject the concept of the word sin because they claim the Europeans came up with the first concept of the original sin.
Although the Europeans are the Great Deceivers. They deceive you by telling you to look at their right hand while cleverly deceiving you with the left hand. Like a magician does when they are using deception.
Yes, there is a concept of “righteousness” “truth” “order & balance”. But what is its polar balance? What do we balance against righteousness, truth, order and balance? Just as it is an up, there is a down. There is a hot, and a cold which are polar opposites.
We have to keep in mind the Nigritian people who founded Kemet developed the 42 Negative Confessions, or Divine Principles (Laws) of Maat, but the Maat’s duality was either you were a doer of right, or a doer of wrong.
At first, there was no such word called sin. When the European Egyptologists started study the Nigritic language of the Nigritian people of Kemet, which is the Divine Language of Amun. This language later became known as hieroglyphics, or Medu Neter.
These European Egyptologists came up with the word sin from the process used in weighing one wrongdoing on the scales against the Divine Principles of Maat. If one’s wrongdoing caused the scale to sink to the opposite side, and not balance out; this was proof of you being the wrongdoer. The European Egyptologists came up with a concept to describe a person being a wrongdoer by removing the letter “K” from the word sink, creating the word sin. Instead of saying you were a wrongdoer, the concept simply says you commit a sin.
Every time people hear or think of the 42 Negative Confessions, they automatically associate the 42 laws being applied to the weighing of the heart after a person died. Some do not understand that these Negative Confessions were use in the Nigritian people court system in Kemet.

Look at the picture. Here you have a man brought before the Court System by the jackal head man who is the court prosecutor. The complaint brought before the court is placed on one side scale by the prosecutor. Tehuti is present with the reed pen and scroll to keep the record of the account, he is the court reporter.
The man who hand is extended towards the man seated on the big chair is the judge, and the two ladies beside him is Maat (Lady of Justice), and the other lady is her duality which represents wrongdoing.
Some Egyptologists have wrongly associated Osiris and Isis as being the man seat on the chair and Isis being the lady beside him. But one can clearly see there are two ladies on the side the of the man seated on the chair.
The second picture shows a clearer picture of the man seated and the two ladies side by side a reflection of their polar opposites of duali

Also, above the judge there are fourteen people seated before another person. actually it is thirteen people seated before the one. The one seated in front in white is the juror foreman, in which it is really thirteen jurors seated. And the one who is seated before the jurors is the man being judged by the thirteen jurors before the Laws of Maat.

By: Antwin “Tehuti” Henley
Founder/Spiritual Physicist
September 3, 2020
The Egyptian Dynasty Is Three Thousand Years Older Than Sumerian People's Dynasty

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
By: Antwin “Tehuti” Henley
Founder/Spiritual Physicist
September 7, 2020
This Is Your Last Chance To Return To The Supreme Being Amun Because Satan Time Is Up In The World As Ruler
In the book titled: “Ancient Egypt: Myth and History” by Geddes & Grosset, on page 31, says:
“The worship of the solar disc was unknown to the early Mediterranean people who spread through Europe and reached the British Isles and Ireland. Nor did it rise into prominence in the land of the pharaohs until after the erection of the Great Pyramids near Cairo. The kings did not become ‘sons of the sun’ until the Fifth Dynasty’
My question is: Why do some many people say: “Eye (them) am the child of the sun”. Why won’t they stop using the pyramids and the ankh of Kemet to promote sun worship? Because the original inhabitants of Kemet never had anything to do with sun worship?
The pyramids and ankh were never a part of any sun cults.
Why don’t they say they or Eye follower after the sun god of Europe of the people who lived in the Caucasus Mountains during the Ice Age?
In which those cave dwellers at that time worshiped the sun because it was cold, and for a time the sun did not shine on that region of the world. After the heat of the sun shine began melting the snow, the people who lived in the Caucasus Mountains began worshiping it; this is how sun worship begun.
There are some people today who believe the sun is responsible for creating all life forms on earth. Do you Know anywhere on the planet where the “sun” is still creating life out of “NOTHING? Because if the sun is responsible for creating the first human beings, then it will still be going on today.
Let me explain to you how sun worshiping has affected our ancient world, and our modern world that we live in today?
For instance, the geographical location of the Sahara Desert is in Africa. At one time it was and oasis of lush green vegetation, rivers, lakes and tropical beaches. It was a place where millions of inhabitants lived around 6000 years ago.
The first picture below is a map of Africa that show Sahara as green, tropical, and with the two lakes. The second picture is a map of Africa as Sahara actually looks as a desert.

The pictures that follows are pictures of how Sahara would have looked if the people had not turn their worship away from the Supreme Being Amun (God of Life); and started paying homage to the sun gods.

This is how the Sahara looks after man turn away from Amun.

In Tehuti’s teachings to the first people on earth, he taught them that Amun created the “breath of life” that is divinely given to All things that are in existence. There would be no life without the God of Life (AMUN). He endows men and women with a soul so they could have an abstract thinking and divine thoughts, apart from everything else in the world.
They lived conformably in Kemet that stretched from modern day Africa to the Middle East what was once known as Palestine. From modern day Egypt to Sudan and all of today Sahara was once the place we call The Garden of Eden. During that time the Sahara Desert did not exist.
The first people created on earth were Nigritian, and was giving the gift of divine thoughts. Amun said: “For men to tell the animals, the birds, the fish, and the earth, the trees, all the creatures in the heavens and earth about Him for the creatures were not endow with a soul”. This way they would know of His power and glory in the heavens and earth. The first people only worshiped the Supreme Being Amun; and they did adhere to His voice and stayed on the divine path.
Around the Sixth Dynasty, or nearly 6000 years ago man debased himself by worshiping the sun god Ra. He lost his way to the divine path. Because man chose to join the sun god Ra with Amun, and started called Him Amun-Ra. After such sacrilegious act, Amun’s spirit stopped dwell among men, and divinity return to heaven. For men’s mind has become fill with evil thoughts, and his body is filled with evil foreign gods who demand the work of evil by them.
In our holy book: “The Divine Scripture Truth of Amun” (T.D.S.T of A) soon to be released Chapter Fifty
“EXAMINATION OF THE FUTURE” verses 1-6,11 (T.D.S.T of A) says,
1 Tehuti related this prophesy to his apprentice Imhotep:
2 It befits the wise to know all things in advance, of this you must not remain ignorant:
3 A time will come when divinity will return from earth to heaven.
4 Kemet, Kemet, of your reverent deeds only stories will survive, they will be incredible to your children!
5 Only words cut in stone will survive to tell your faithful works, and the Scythians or some such neighbor barbarian (unauthorized species), will dwell in Kemet.
6 For divinity goes back to heaven, and all people will die, deserted as Kemet will be widowed and deserted by Amun’s Sword and man.
11 A land once holy, most loving of divinity, by reason of Her reverence the only land on earth where Amun settled,
The “Examination Of The Future” was a prophesy that dates back over 5000 years ago. When Amun and divinity left man, soon followed the Great Flood on Earth, and brought about the Sahara Desert. Under the remains of all that sand in the Sahara lies a great Atlantis. Once a place of tropical forest, rivers, lakes, and magnificent monuments and buildings. With chapel walls of gold.
Right before the Great Flood inundated the world. Tehuti preserved his 36,000 manuscripts of writing inside two great pillars. One pillar was of pure gold, and the other was as of emerald. Before the flood the manuscripts were kept in one of the Temple of Amun in a room walls of pure gold.
After the Great Flood the two pillars where found, and were stored at one of Amun’s temples in Siwa.
Later the 36,000 manuscripts where move to another one of Amun’s temples that was renamed the Library of Alexandria in Kemet (modern day Egypt).
These manuscripts written by Tehuti’s on hands told the story of the fallen angels coming to earth and creating for themselves physical bodies that where similar but different than man’s physical bodies. Those fallen angels were said to have originally inhabited the region of Europe.
Today we recognize the fallen angels by their remains in the form of the fossils found of Australopithecines and Neanderthals in mainly in Europe.
Some people have thought these Australopithecines and Neanderthals where not intelligent enough to have complex systems of thought, language, writing and the ability to reverence a higher power. Although they did not have a soul. This is farther from the truth. Reason being, when we examine the drawings left on cave walls by the Australopithecines and Neanderthals. We cannot imagine these cave draws as rudimentary as in drawn by an amateur. These draws below where done with complex thought involved

The Neanderthals thought to bury their dead in a ceremonial way, proves their ability to respect, and love outside of themselves. Below is a depiction and actual graves of Neanderthals

We know that these ape-man-like creatures actually lived during the Ice Age form the remains of a Neanderthal frozen and preserved found in Europe. Below is a depiction of how they would have looked, and an actual Neanderthal found frozen in ice.

It should be understood that these fallen angels, although they became unauthorized species when they materialized on earth without Amun’s permission. They still had a need to reverence a higher power. During the time of the Ice Age, they were not only expelled from Amun’s presence; they had lost the warmth of the sun too. So they turned their reverence to the sun in hope that it would return and warm up the earth. In the caves where they dwelled during the Ice Age, we find draws of the sun on the cave walls. Below are actual draws of a sun drew by those fallen angels who lived in caves, and were later called Neanderthals. Also below is an anthropomorphic stele sun deity found in Southeastern Europe. Which is proof the early cave dwellers reverence the sun as a higher power.

Below is a cave drawing of many Neanderthals hands outstretched as to give reverence to a higher power. They managed to survive the last Ice Age by dwelling in the caves of Europe. The temperatures are said to have been around an average of -16 degree Celsius. During the last Ice Age temperature have gotten cold enough to make dry ice. that reverence would have been hands outstretched to the sun or sunshine.

The earliest sun god is Ra who originate among the offsprings of the Hittite and cave dwellers from Europe. They sexually amalgamated producing the offsprings who became known as the Hyksos. When the cave dwellers first started to venture out Europe. They encounter the Hittites in the region of Turkey, Syria, and Iraq. Also, the Hyksos were known as the Sumerian people. During that period the Sumerian worshiped the sun by the name Shamash, they called their sun god Utu, in Mesopotamian; and they had a moon goddess Sin, who was also known as Nanna, and Ishtar (Sumerian: Inanna), the goddess of Venus, was part of an astral triad of divinities. Shamash was the son of Sin.
During the Fifth Dynasty in Kemet, the Hyksos people conquered Kemet, and forced the worship of the sun god Ra on the Nigritian people. At the time of the Hyksos invasion of Kemet, the Nigritian people worship the Supreme Being Amun after the order of Tehuti. Before the invasion by the Hyksos, there was no known sun worship in Kemet.
The Hyksos evolved in the land called Levant. Levant is a term, which appeared in English in 1497, originally meant the East in general or “Mediterranean lands east of Italy“. It is borrowed from the French levant “rising”, referring to the rising of the sun in the east, or the point where the sun rises.
There is no written record telling us the name assigned to the sun during the last ice age. We do know throughout Europe the first gods are recorded as being male and female solar deities. In Europe the sun was sometimes referred to by its Latin name Sol or by its Greek name Helios. The English word sun stems from Proto-Germanic sunno.
Before the so-called virgin birth of Jesus, there had already been a concept of the story of the annunciation, the miraculous conception, the birth and the adoration of messianic infant. In fact, it had already been engraved in stone and represented in four consecutive scenes in the Temple of Luxor located in Africa about 1700 B.C., or some seven teen centuries before Mary and Jesus supposedly existed.
The older concept of the virgin birth story evolved under the sun god Ra-Aten. The early founder of Christianity borrowed Ra-Aten virgin birth story and applied it to the European Mary and child called Jesus is actually an inaccurate depiction of Queen Tiye and her son Akhenaten known as the mother of god, and the Aten-Christ or Child-Christ.
This birth of the Aten-Christ is what started the brand of pre-Christianity know to the Ethiopians today. When Queen Tiye’s son Akhenaten, when born he was known as the Aten-Christ or Child-Christ.

“In this picture above we have the Annunciation, the Conception, the Birth, and the Adoration, as described in the First and Second Chapters of Luke’s Gospel; and as we have historical assurance that the chapters in Matthew’s Gospel which contain the Miraculous Birth of Jesus are an after addition not in the earliest manuscripts, it seems probable that these two poetical chapters in Luke may also be unhistorical, and be borrowed from the Egyptian accounts of the miraculous birth of their kings.”
In these scenes the queen Tiye, the mother of Akhenaten, her future child, who is a virgin-girl, is said to have been miraculously impregnated by the sun-god Aten. The first scene on the left hand shows the angel Thoth, as divine word or logos, in the act of hailing the virgin queen and announcing to her that she is to give birth to the coming son. In the second scene the ram-headed god Kneph in conjunction with Hathor, gives life to her. This is the holy Ghost or spirit of Aten that causes conception. Impregnation and conception are apparent in the virgin’s fuller form. Next, the mother is seated on the midwife’s stool, and the child is supported in the hands of one of the nurses. The fourth scene is that of the Adoration. Here the infant is enthroned receiving homage from the gods and gifts from men. Behind the deity, who represents the holy spirit/spirit of Aten, on the right three men (Ethiopians) are kneeling offering gifts with the right hand.
The ancient Roman sun god was known as Sol, and later became Helios. As the Roman Empire spread to the Mediterranean region, their sun god was call Sol invictus under the influence of the Mithra sun cult.
Before Christianity there was the worship of Horus under the pantheon of the sun god Ra; and the sun god Mithras. I set out below some similarities between Horus and Mithras.

Keep in mind Tehuti preserved his 36,000 manuscripts of writing inside two great pillars. Around 14 B.C.E. the sun worshipers of Rome during that time realized how revolutionizing these ancient writings of Tehuti could be in transforming the Nigritians people then and in the future. Julius Caesar set the library at Alexandria on fire destroying over 40, 000 scrolls write in the divine writing and language of Amun.
Julius Caesar opposed the worship of Amun because the city of Rome at that time worshiped the sun as god; they worshiped the sun by two names: sun god Sol and they equated Sol with the sun god Helios.
The rise of Christianity was responsible for the extinction of worship of Amun, and the extinction of Nigritiaic hieroglyphic writings, outlawing their use in order to eradicate any link with Kemet’s Nigritian past.
It was not until the First council of Nicaea, 325 A.D., the first ecumenical council of the Christian church, meeting in ancient Nicaea (now Iznik, Turkey). It was held in Turkey because it was where the Neanderthals and Hittites prototype man and sun religion were born and established. It was called by the emperor Constantine I, who worshiped the sun god Helios. He hoped a general council of the church would solve the problem created in the Eastern church by Arius who lived in Kemet.
Arius said that the Child-Christ (Jesus) was not a god or God. Arius was well aware of the concepts applied to the Christian Child-Christ were borrowed from the virgin birth story of the Aten-Christ. Where it was said Akhenaten was conceived by way of a virgin birth, when his mother was impregnated by the sun god Aten’s spirit.
Also, the story of Horus and Mithra were borrowed by the Christian to create a fictitious person by the name of Jesus. The council of Nicaea was held in order to publish a decree that Jesus is truly God; and to decree heresy what was proposed by Arius of Alexandria that affirmed that Christ is not divine but was created.
The early Christian also borrowed other concepts from Horus. Below are proof that they borrowed the concepts from Horus.

This is the last chance for the people of the world to renounce all forms of sun worship, and return to the Supreme Being Amun.
On May 24, 2020, I recalled a conversation I had with a very good friend after I perceived a huge meteor headed to earth. That day on my Facebook time line, I titled my post “IMPENDING JUDGMENT AND CRIES FOR MERCY DO TO DIVINE PUNISHMENT”
My friend questioned me regarding a particular part in the post that say: “No one truly understands the consequences of rebellion against the Creator means until our cosmos becomes uncooperative”. I told my friend that an actual meteor is headed towards earth to make an impact. I told my friend that was going to pray to Amun for mercy. I the following prayer:
I pray to the Supreme Being for mercy for our sake,
I pray for love, and
I pray for us all.
On August 14 a meteor came extremely close to making an impact with earth, but it traveled through space right under earth. Scientists said they did not even know or see that a meteor was headed towards earth. They said it came in through the shadow of the sun; not even the satellites in space saw the meteor coming in that nearly made an impact with earth. Scientists have been very quiet about the meteor near impact with earth.
I am telling the world that it was a warning to us all, return to Amun. Because there just may not be any more warnings. Remember sun worship caused Amun and divinity to leave us; and it brought about the Sahara Desert. Had that meteor struck the planet earth, it would have created a worldwide catastrophe.
Take ye the Ankh of Life (Key of Life) and enter into the Spirit of Amun and have everlasting eternal life; so ye can take of the fruit of the Divine Truth and live forever in the kingdom of Amun.
In our holy book: “The Divine Scripture Truth of Amun” (T.D.S.T of A) soon to be released Chapter Three Hundred Twenty-Eight verse 33-37 (T.D.S.T of A) says,
33 Amun’s name is concealed and His protection is not with the people,
34 One cannot live when clouds conceal,35 All are numb from lack of it.
36 I shall describe what is before me,
37 I do not foretell what does not come:
In Tehuti’s teachings to the first people on earth, he taught them Amun created the “breath of life” that was and is divinely given to All things that are in existence. There would be no life without the God of Life (AMUN). He endows men and women with a soul so they could have abstract thinking and divine thoughts, apart from everything else in the world. This is why Amun said:
“For men to tell the animals, the birds, the fish, and the earth, the trees, all the creatures in the heavens and earth about Him for the creatures were not endow with a soul”. This way they would know of His power and glory in the heavens and earth”.
Today man has debased himself and lost his way to the divine path. Amun’s spirit (knowledge) does not dwell in men, for his mind has become fill with evil thoughts, and his body is filled with evil foreign gods who demand the work of evil by them.
Take ye the Ankh of Life (Key of Life) and enter into the Spirit of Amun and have everlasting eternal life; so ye can take of the fruit of the Divine Truth and live forever in the kingdom of Amun.
The Divine Scripture Truth of Amun” (T.D.S.T of A) Chapter Two Hundred Thirty-Two verse 4-6 (T.D.S.T of A) says,
4 The unauthorized species role as priests was to offer prayers and sacrifices to Satan,
5 In doing so he claimed a secret priesthood with Satan in the disguised of gods by the name: Ra, Adon Aten Jehovah, Yahweh, Christ, Jesus and Allah.
6 They were to appear as divine priests, and they were commissioned to spread Satan’s religion to the four corners of the world
The Divine Scripture Truth of Amun” (T.D.S.T of A) Chapter Two Hundred Twenty-Five
verse 30-42 (T.D.S.T of A) says,
39 The priests of the temple of Amun were distress, because they understood the sun to be Amun’s creation, and not Amun.
40 This new theology was sacrilegious.
41 They rejected Aten as they had done Ra, the Hyksos’ sun-god.
42 The priests of Amun did not see how the outline of the sun, the disc of the sun, or the sun god-Ra could be of any significance other than Amun’s creation.
The Divine Scripture Truth of Amun” (T.D.S.T of A) Chapter Two Hundred Eighty-Two verse 12-13 (T.D.S.T of A) says,
12 The Lord of Life of the Amunites, who are His Own Image living upon the earth.
13 God of warriors, the God gives the followers of the Truth victory.
14 My soul expands with joy to Amun because He has overthrown all His enemies, and enlarged the followers of the Truth in the Kingdom of Amun,
15 And has slain the seven evil spirits of Satan.
The Divine Scripture Truth of Amun” (T.D.S.T of A) Chapter Fifty-Three verse “SUN WORSHIP IS WRONG” 6-10 (T.D.S.T of A) says,
6 He considered the influence Amun would have on the Nigritian people and the world in present and future.
7 That worship of Amun belonged to the most ancient roots of the Nigritian and Nubians all over the world.
8 Worship Amun, you divine circle (Followers of the Truth), and plant these teachings of the single GOD Amun in your children mind and soul when they are in their tender youth.
9 And it will serve as his or her strength, and a revulsion against his or her enemy.
10 So their depth of thought, and inner devotion to Amun will be their blessing.
The Divine Scripture Truth of Amun” (T.D.S.T of A) Chapter Two Hundred Twenty-Seven
16-18 (T.D.S.T of A) says,
16 And many of the Atenites abandoned the sun god and transferred their worship to Amun.
17 Aten is the counterpart of Yahweh who both claimed to be the god almighty.
18 First was Ra and his followers, then the Atenites, now the Jews, Christians and Muslims who are all intolerant and arrogant fashions, each were a builder of the same religion.
By: Antwin “Tehuti” Henley
Founder/Spiritual Physicist
September 9, 2020
The True Origin of The Black Hebrews
Were They Race Traitors?
Many Black people today claim to be part of the heritage of the ancient Hebrews.
After I conducted an investigation into the origin of the Black Hebrews. I have personally concluded that the first ancient Black who became identified as Hebrews renounce their true divine birth right, and betrayed their ancient true religious/spiritual way of life to become Hebrews.
Abram was the first person in the Bible to be called a Hebrew (Genesis 14:13). It was shortly after God had called Abram (Genesis 12:1-3) promising to make him into a great nation, and before the Lord changed his name to Abraham (Genesis 17:5). So Abram was the first of the Hebrew people. His descendants became the nation we call Israel.
Please allow me to point out that there were no people on earth claiming to be Hebrews until the second millennium BCE or (2000-1200 BCE). For that matter, the origins of the term Hebrew itself are uncertain. I and others have come to the conclusion that the word Hebrew derived from the word eber, or ever, a Hebrew word meaning the “other side” and conceivably referring again to those who crossed over from believing in an invisible God Amun, to believing in a visible god Aten. Up until then, all Black people had identified themselves as Nigritians throughout Africa.
Did Abraham ever really exist? The Old Testament puts Abraham having lived at about 2,000 BC. The story wasn’t written down until the post-exile period around 500 B.C. So, 1500 years after the alleged events of Abraham, the story is finally solidified. (That is supposedly a reliable eyewitness account, right?) And it turns out that the alleged historical events discussed around the story of Abraham couldn’t have happened.
Whether or not Abraham existed, the stories written about Abraham in Genesis are not historically true. For example, Abraham could not have walked to the land of the Philistines centuries before these sea people came ashore in the Levant. While this alone does not prove his non-existence, it points in that direction.
If the Patriarchs lived, then the Israelites should have sojourned in Egypt, but there is no evidence of this in the Egyptian records. If Moses did not live, then it is unlikely that Abraham lived. For Moses to have lived, there would have to have been an Exodus from slavery in Egypt and a military conquest of the land of the Canaanites. Not only do almost all scholars say there was no biblical Exodus from Egypt and that there was no unified conquest of the Canaanites. There was no biblical Moses and there was no Hebrew Patriarch called Abraham.
The key to understanding how the Black people became Black Hebrews, one must understand Abraham story wasn’t written down until the post-exile or Exodus supposed to have taken place which dates around a period around 500 years afterwards, or 1500 BCE.
Abraham who actually never existed, represents a time period, and people called the Hyksos who invaded Kemet during the 1720-1710 BCE, which would have been doing the time period Abraham was supposed to have been living in Kemet (Egypt) (Kemet means The Holy City of Amun or The Holy City of the Worship of Amun). Abraham is really just symbolic of those people and time period.
The Hyksos invaders worshiped the sun Ra. Before the invasion the priest of Amun opposed any form of sun worship. Because the invaders were ruling over Kimit, the self-appointed Hyksos monarch aligned himself with the worship of the god Ra. Despite the indigenous Nigritian people of Kimit being a custom to worshipping Amun. The indigenous people of Kimit believed in Amun who was spirit only. The Hyksos invaders believed in Ra who was the sun; and who the Hyksos had claimed Ra was the literal sun that you see in the sky; also they claimed Ra had manifested into a flesh and blood man, and lived amongst the people. This is the same sun god Ra whose name became Yahweh, and who Moses and Abraham worship in the Jewish bible. Some may not believe this to be true. But I am going to give you the naked truth.
Let me compare and contrast the story of the sun god Ra, and the Jewish god of the bible.
In a book titled: Ancient Egypt: Myth and History by Geddes & Grosset, they wrote:
“The worship of the solar disc was unknown to the early Mediterranean people who spread through Europe and reach the British Isles and Ireland. Nor did it rise into prominence in the land of the pharaohs until after the erection of the Great Pyramids near Cairo. The Kings did not become ‘sons of the sun’ until the Fifth Dynasty”. (Geddes & Grosset page31).
What the both of them are saying is, for at least 3000 years the Black people of Africa, and Black people from all the way to what is known as the Middle East, or ancient Palestine before travelling to Europe where not or did not know anything about the sun worship until they traveled to Europe. The reason why I am mentioning this is, some people believe sun worship was a part or originated in Kemet among the indigenous people.
When in fact, the first people of Africa, and of the world initially worshipped the Supreme Being Amun. They did not worship any sun gods by the names: Ra, Aten, Yahweh, Jehovah, Jesus and Allah.
They further wrote: “Ra is the first human god…. became the first king on earth. He went about among people. He took a form like theirs. (Geddes & Grosset pages 34-35).
On the other hand, the god that Moses and Abraham worshiped is identified as the sun too:
Psalm 84:11
New International Version
11 For the Lord God is a sun
Malachi 4:2
2 “But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of Righteousness arise with healing in his wings; and ye shall go forth, and grow up as calves of the stall.”
Noticed how the god of Abraham and Moses is identified as the sun.
Also, notice their god not only say he is the sun, but has healing in his wings. This is the exact depiction of one of the sun god Ra’s images. See image below:

The sun, Ra is said to have manifested to a physical man; also, the same can be said regarding Abraham and Moses god.
One day while Abraham were setting in front of his tent, he met three men. One of the men identified himself as Yahweh/Jehovah.
Abraham was visited by three men one day; the men turned out to be unusual guests, to say the least, and the visit was life-changing for Abraham and Sarah. Genesis 18:1–2 says, “The Lord appeared to Abraham near the great trees of Mamre while he was sitting at the entrance to his tent in the heat of the day. Abraham looked up and saw three men standing nearby. When he saw them, he hurried from the entrance of his tent to meet them and bowed low to the ground.” Abraham showed immediate hospitality to the three men, inviting them to rest under a tree and preparing a big meal for them (verses 3–8).
Some have suggested that all three of these “men” were angelic beings who appeared to Abraham in the form of men. However, Genesis 18:1 says that it was “the LORD” (Yahweh) who appeared to Abraham. It is the LORD who speaks in verses 13, 20, 26, and 33. Abraham stands “before the LORD” in verse 22. So, one of the three “men” must have been God Almighty taking on the appearance of a man.
Also, Jacob is said to have wrestle with god. and afterwards, he said: I saw god face to face and his life was spared:
Genesis 32:22-32
New International Version
Jacob Wrestles With God
22 That night Jacob got up and took his two wives, his two female servants and his eleven sons and crossed the ford of the Jabbok. 23 After he had sent them across the stream, he sent over all his possessions. 24 So Jacob was left alone, and a man wrestled with him till daybreak. 25 When the man saw that he could not overpower him, he touched the socket of Jacob’s hip so that his hip was wrenched as he wrestled with the man. 26 Then the man said, “Let me go, for it is daybreak.”
But Jacob replied, “I will not let you go unless you bless me.”
27 The man asked him, “What is your name?”
“Jacob,” he answered.
28 Then the man said, “Your name will no longer be Jacob, but Israel, because you have struggled with God and with humans and have overcome.”
29 Jacob said, “Please tell me your name.”
But he replied, “Why do you ask my name?” Then he blessed him there.
30 So Jacob called the place Peniel, saying, “It is because I saw God face to face, and yet my life was spared.”
Why is this important? During the Hyksos rule in Kimit, they wish they could exterminate every indigenous Black person in Kimit; and when they were not able to do that they sought to fuse their sun god Ra with Amun, renaming Him, Amun-Ra.
Also, what makes this important is, this shows the writers of the Old Testament of the Hebrew bible went to great length to write their bible in codes to hid the fact that their god in the sun god Ra.
Also, they went as far as to hid the identity of the Hyksos so that there would no traces of the Hyksos who worship the sun god Ra with their new religion they called Judaism. It was the priests who worshiped Amun expelled the Hyksos and their sun god Ra out of Kimit.
Geddes & Grosset pages further wrote in quoting Josephus the Jewish historian:
“Josephus, the patriotic Jewish historian, who believed that the Hyksos were ‘the children of Israel’ quoted Manetho as saying that ‘they were a people of ignoble race who had confidence to invade our country, which they subdued easily without having to fight a battle. They set our towns on fire; they destroyed the temple of the gods, and caused the people to suffer every king of barbarity. During the entire period of their dynasty they waged war against the people of Egypt, wishing to exterminate the whole race…. The foreigners were called Hyksos, which signifies “shepherd Kings”’ (page 209).
They further wrote:
“His fusion with the sun god of Heliopolis, which was accomplished for political purposes, made the change complete, for he became Amun-Ra,” (page 228).
The fusion of the sun god Ra with Amun came after tens of thousands of Black Africans in Kimit who believed in Amun lost their lives for refusing to worship the sun god Ra.
Geddes & Grosset further wrote:
“As Ra grew old ruling over men, there were those among his subjects who spoke disdainfully about him…. To Ra came knowledge of the words that were spoken about him, and there was much anger in his heart, because there were rebellious sayings on the lips of men and because they sought also to kill him…. Ra heard and, as was his will, his eye went forth as Hathor against mankind among the mountains, and they were speedily slain. The goddess rejoiced in her word and drove over the land, so that for many nights she waded in blood…Then darkness come on. Men came out form their hiding places in great fear, and when they saw Ra departing from them, they were sorrowful because of the rebellious words that had been spoken against him. Indeed, they cried to Ra, beseeching him to kill those of his enemies who still remained…. Then his faithful subjects armed themselves with weapons, and they sallied forth against the enemies of the sun god and slaughtered them in battle”. (pages 37-39).
Also, they wrote:
“The supernatural enemies of Ra were slain nightly by spears, which were sun rays, and knives, which were flames of fire, as well as by powerful magic spells. When the god had passed by, all the demons came to life again. Ra’s human enemies were those, apparently, who had not worshipped him on earth. Such were consigned to torture in lakes of everlasting fire”. (page 142).
Do to the force worship of the sun god Ra on the African people of Kimit, there where animosity against the worshippers of Ra by the priest of Amun. Despite millions of people converted to worshipping the sun god Ra out of fear of losing their lives. The priest of Amun were still able to galvanize the indigenous Black Africans of Kimit to run the worshippers of Ra out of Kimit.
Geddes & Grosset further wrote:
“In millions they came to praise and glorify Ra” “A religious revolution was imminent. The sun worshippers at Heliopolis were increasing in numbers and power…. their political influence was being felt”. “The religion of the sun cult at Heliopolis, which was imported by the Asiatic settlers, was the religion that received prominence at the beginning of the Fifth Dynasty. A new title was given to the pharaoh. He became the ‘son of the sun’ as well as ‘priest of Horus’, ‘priest of Seth’”. (page 39, 125,147).
It is important that I mention Seth. Who was Seth, also spelt Sutekh?
We know there was an “attempt on the part of the Hyksos overlord to compel the Egyptians to worship the god Sutekh” (Geddes & Grosset page 222).
The name Satan comes to us from Ancient Egypt from a deity named Set, (/sɛt/ or Seth, Sēth, Σήθ /sɛθ/; also spelled Setesh, Sutekh, Setekh, Suty or Sut). Set represents the power of evil and is the Lord of Hell, who we simply call today Shaitan or Satan.
Set (deity) – Wikipedia
Set /sɛt/ or Seth /sɛθ/ (Egyptian: stẖ; ) is a god of deserts, storms, disorder, violence, and foreigners in ancient Egyptian religion. In Ancient Greek, the god’s name is given as Sēth (Σήθ). Set had a positive role where he accompanies Ra on his solar boat to repel Apep, the serpent of Chaos.
According to one view, Set became associated with the Hyksos invaders who conquered the Nile Delta and therefore, by the time of the Second Intermediate period, Set had become regarded as a malevolent deity. (
Wikipedia informs us that seth or Sutekh is also Satan who “accompanies Ra on his solar boat”.

What is important to remember here is there was an “attempt on the part of the Hyksos overlord to the Egyptians to compel worship the god Sutekh” (Satan). Remember Satan represents the power of evil and is the Lord of Hell, chaos, thunder and storms, and destruction.
What is equally important is that you understand that Sutekh/Seth/Satan is an attribute of Ra and not an individual deity; but represents five evil natures of Ra. This is why Ra appears in the solar boat with Sutekh in five images. Another important ancient Egyptian symbol connected to Ra is the “Bennu”. Bennu is the name of the bird that represented Ra’s spirit. When the Bennu bird appear in the solar boat with RA, the five images of Sutekh represents Ra’s spirit natures: is a deserts, storms, disorder, violence, and foreigners (the foreigners were considered impure or polluted) in ancient Egyptian religion.

To properly understand my point here that I am attempting to make is Ra is Satan and the Hyksos’s compel the Black African of Kimit to worship the five evil attributes Ra/Sutekh who is Satan.

Attributes of Ra/Sutekh/Satan
1 The Sutekh is a Liar
2 The Sutekh is a Thief
3 The Sutekh is a Murderer
4 The Sutekh is an Accuser
5 The Sutekh is a Deceiver
Despite the invading Hyksos who conquered Kimit and growing the worshippers of Ra in the millions in Kimit. The priest of Amun (Theban priest of Amun) were still able to expel the Hyksos out of Kimit along with their sun god Ra/Sutekh.
Geddes & Grosset further wrote:
“[T]he Theban cult must have held popular appeal and helped to rally the mass of the people to throw off the yoke of the Hyksos Ra and Sutekh worshippers (page228).
The Black Africans of Kimit after they expel the Hyksos out of Kimit. They gave thanks to the Supreme Being Amun for helping them expelling the Hyksos, and they repented for worshipping Ra/Sutekh under compulsion.
We find at the the following regarding the Hyksos being expelled out of Kimit:
Rise of cult after expulsion of Hyksos
When the army of the founder of the Eighteenth dynasty expelled the Hyksos rulers from Egypt, the victor’s city of origin, Thebes, became the most important city in Egypt, the capital of a new dynasty. The local patron deity of Thebes, Amun, therefore became nationally important. The pharaohs of that new dynasty attributed all their successful enterprises to Amun and they lavished much of their wealth and captured spoil on the construction of temples dedicated to Amun.
As the Egyptians considered themselves oppressed during the period of the Hyksos rule, the victory accomplished by pharaohs worshiping Amun was seen as a champion of the less fortunate. Consequently, Amun was viewed as upholding the rights of justice for the poor. By aiding those who traveled in his name, he became the Protector of the road. Since he upheld Ma’at (truth, justice, and goodness), those who prayed to Amun were required, first, to demonstrate that they were worthy by confessing their sins. Votive stela from the artisans village at Deir el-Medina record:
Amun who comes at the voice of the poor in distress, who gives breath to him who is wretched. You are Amun, the Lord of the silent, who comes at the voice of the poor; when I call to you in my distress You come and rescue me…Though the servant was disposed to do evil, the Lord is disposed to forgive. The Lord of Thebes spends not a whole day in anger; His wrath passes in a moment; none remains. His breath comes back to us in mercy. May your Ka be kind; may you forgive; It shall not happen again. (See
After the Black Africans of Kimit expelled the Hyksos out of Kimit. A pharaoh by the name Akhenaten attempted to create a new religion out of the old Ra/Aten religion.
During the latter part of the eighteenth dynasty, the pharaoh Akhenaten (also known as Amenhotep IV) disliked the power of the temple of Amun and advanced the worship of the Aten, a deity whose power was manifested in the sun disk, both literally and symbolically. He defaced the symbols of many of the old deities and based his religious practices upon the deity, the Aten. He moved his capitol away from Thebes, but this abrupt change was very unpopular with the priests of Amun, who now found themselves without any of their former power. The religion of Egypt was inexorably tied to the leadership of the country, the pharaoh being the leader of both. The pharaoh was the highest priest in the temple of the capital and the next lower level of religious leaders were important advisers to the pharaoh, many being administrators of the bureaucracy that ran the country.
When Akhenaten died, the priests of Amun reasserted themselves. His name was struck from Egyptian records, all of his religious and governmental changes were undone, and the capitol was returned to Thebes. The return to the previous capital and its patron deity was accomplished so swiftly that it seemed this almost monotheistic cult and its governmental reforms had never existed. Worship of the Aten ceased and worship of Amun was restored. The priests of Amun even persuaded his young son, Tutankhaten, whose name meant “the living image of Aten”—and who later would become a pharaoh—to change his name to Tutankhamun, “the living image of Amun”.
If you noticed, the narrative and time frame began around 2000 BCE, but after 500 years had passed, it brings the time frame around 1500 BCE. This would have been around the time frame Moses was leading the Hebrew people out of Egypt. Like Abraham, Moses too never existed.
Moses is symbolic of a time period and event that accrued in Kimit around 1500 BCE. This event took place around 1500 BCE, during the time of Akhenaten’s reign as king in Egypt. The special event was when Akhenaten as the setting king refused to acknowledge and worship the Supreme Being Creator Amun. He began to worship the sun as Aten as an empty dis without the fire inside of it. Another aspect of Ra. At the time, Kimit was the epicenter of the worship of Amun.
In fact, the name Kimit means “The Holy City of Amun” or “The Holy City of the Worship of Amun”.
Geddes & Grosset further wrote:
“Akhenaten began to reign as Amenophis IV. With the purpose, apparently, of effecting immediate conversion of Thebes (Kimit), he began the erection of a temple to Aten (or Aton) in close proximity to that of Amun. Before long an open rupture between the priesthood and the pharaoh became the chief topic of political interest. Amun’s high priests had been accustomed to occupying high and influential positions at court; under Amenophis III one had been chief treasurer and another grand vizier. Akhenaten was threatening the cult with complete political extinction. Then something was done, by the priestly party, that roused the anger of the strong-minded young king, for he suddenly began to wage a war of bitter persecution against Amun. Everywhere the god’s name was chipped from the monuments; he tombs were entered, and the young pharaoh did not spare even the name of his father. It was at this time that he himself became known officially as Akhenaten, ‘the spirit of Aten’ –the human incarnation of the strange god. Then he decided to desert Thebes, and at Amarna, about 300 miles farther south, he caused to be laid out a ‘garden city’, in which were built a gorgeous palace, which surpassed that of his father, and a great temple dedicated to ‘ the one and only god’. …this new worship evolved out of the old Aten of Heliopolis, the sole lord or Adon of the Universe…. There was an Aten cult at Heliopolis which taught that the creator Ra was “Shu in his Aten’. Aten is the solar disc and Shu is the air god””, (pages 262-66).
Around the 1500 BCE, Akhenaten agreed to leave out of Kimit (Egypt) and build him a capitol city at Amarna to worship his god Aten.
Akhenaten is noted for abandoning Kimit’s traditional monotheism belief in Amun; Black African believed Amun was the one and only Supreme Being spirit (Amun never physically materialized into physical form), and he is noted for introducing Atenism, worship centered on Aten who is a physical aspect of the sun. Akhenaten wanted to do away with the belief in a invisible spirit God, and create a physical god out of the sun.
Geddes & Grosset further wrote:
He (Akhenaten) built a new temple at Karnak to the Aten, but in his fourth year as king began to build a completely new capital city and national cult centre, named Akhetaten (‘horizon of the sun disc’), on the east bank of the Nile. Its site, Amarna, is six miles south of present-day Mallawi. In size and splendor, intended it to outdo Thebes or Memphis. At this time, he changed his names to affirm his god-identity with that of Aten. Amenophis means ‘Amun is satisfied’, whilst Akhenaten means ‘glory of the Aten’. All references to Amun were expunged, and the ‘hidden’ god was replaced by the ‘visible’ god”. (page 315).
Akhenaten and over a half million people followed him to Amarna to help him build a new capitol city for the purpose of worshipping the sun as Aten who they called their god.
The exodus of Akhenaten actually was a historical event; but the exodus of Moses never occurred as a historical event. The only evidence of the exodus involving Moses is the Chronology of Biblical History that is recorded in the bible. Other than that, there is no physical evidence.
On the other hand, there is physical evidence of the exodus of Akhenaten and the tens of thousands of people that followed him out of Kimit (Egypt).

This hoard contained 23 bars of gold, several bars of silver, rings, pieces of scrap, and a silver figurine. The pieces were cut for specific transactions or other reasons, but not to conform to a weight standard. In making payments, it was often not the actual metal that changed hands. Rather, agreed amounts or weights of metal were the units of account that were recorded. From El-Amarna, modern-day Egypt. 18th Dynasty, 13352-1336 BCE. (The British Museum, London).

This fragmentary statue of the pharaoh Akhenaten (Amenhotep IV) dates from the Amarna Period (c. 1353-1336 BCE), and was originally housed in a temple complex to the Aten near Karnak, in what is now modern-day Luxor. Currently on display in the Louvre Museum in Paris, it is a prime example of the exaggerated “Amarna Art” style. In almost all official court artwork, Akhenaten is depicted in a highly stylistic manner, with an elongated face, distorted facial features, spindly limbs and a feminine body shape. It is unlikely that the king actually looked this strange; rather, his appearance was likely exaggerated for symbolic/religious reasons.

Akhenaton was a flesh and blood person who walked the earth. His mummy remains are proof of his existence on earth. Not like Jesus who never existed and where no grave site can be found nor remains.
Moses supposed to led the Exodus of the Israelites out of Egypt and across the Red Sea, after which they based themselves at Mount Sinai. After 40 years of wandering in the desert, Moses is said to have died without making it to the Promised Land; but there is no real archeological evidence for the Exodus, nor is there any archeological evidence to support Moses and the Israelites wandering in the desert for 40 years.
According to the Jewish/Christian bible over 600,000 people not including the women and children Moses in said to have led out of Egypt, there is not even a trace of evidence anywhere to substantiate this historical event.
The people that Akhenaten led out of Egypt were a mixed multitude of people. Some of them were Black Africans, some were of a mixed race known as Hyksos. Akhenaten would have fallen under the Hyksos race. The Hyksos were a mixture of the first offsprings that were a result of the Black Africans union with the Neanderthals that venture down from the Caucus mountains.
The Black Africans of Kimit labeled the ones that interbreed, and the one from the Caucus region to be impure, polluted, and even not human.
Geddes & Grosset further wrote:
“Hyksos was a term of contempt for a people whom the proud Egyptians made scornful reference to as ‘the polluted’ or ‘the impure’” (page 216).
“People Of The Sea: A loose term to cover the Indo-European peoples who migrated through the Middle East and across the Mediterranean during the late second millennium BC. A shifting confederation, constantly seeking land to occupy and practicing piracy as sea, they made ferocious efforts to invade Egypt…” (page 420).
“The Hyksos invasion was presented as a shame that had to be prevented from repeating itself by controlling these lands,” Daphna Ben-Tor, former curator of Egyptian archaeology at the Israel Museum in Jerusalem, tells Haaretz. “The Hyksos were the devil incarnate, while the Egyptian king was the savior of the world.” (Theresa Machemer article titled: New Research Reveals Surprising Origins of Egypt’s Hyksos Dynasty July 17, 2020).
Akhenaten’s new city last about four years. Shortly after Akhenaten’ death, the people abandon the new city. Some of the people travel back to Egypt; and others were responsible for creating the Jewish religion. They stop calling themselves Hyksos and started going by the titled Hebrews. Meaning those who crossed over and abandon the invisible God Amun, for the visible sun god.
By: Antwin “Tehuti” Henley
Founder/Spiritual Physicist
December 2, 2020
A BLACK HISTORY FACT: Who are the people known as Blacks, African Americans and Africans?
Most of the original people of Africa, and their descendants are known as Africans, Africa Americans, Afro-Caribbeans, Afro-Latin Americans, Black Canadians – descendants of enslaved Africans brought to the United States, the Caribbean, and South America after they were kidnapped, and became prisoners of war during what is known as the Atlantic slave trade.
The identity and nationality of these Black people are: they are “Nigritian”
There was a time when every Black person in the world were known as a Nigritian.

N = from or belonging to G = Amun first or beginning T = Divine One R = Source of Amun
So, NGTR or NGR means: From or belonging to the Divine One of the Source; the original (first) people of Amun. As in: oRiGiNal (metastasis).
Nigritia/Nigritian is the oldest word of record in the world! It’s even in the Bible! (Amos: “Nigai is the ancestor of Christ.”)
NiGGeR is the same as NiGGa, the same as NeGus, NeGGuR, NaGa, NeGest (a terminal t = fem.) -– all which mean: King, Chief, Queen, Goddess, or Divine One.
So, if the word Nigger or NGR means: from or belonging to the Source; the original first people.
The word Nigritian means: from or belonging to source of Amun original first divine people
The white men changed the name of the continent from Nigritia to Africa at the Conference of Berlin in 1884-5 A.D. when they divided it up to steal the wealth of that land mass. (Renaming had many other benefits for them–one, you can’t trace your history.)
Before the white man came into contact the Black man, the Nigritian people call their continent Nigritia. Spelt: Nigritia or NGRT

Below is a 1713 world map of The World of the Treaty of Utrecht that shows continent Nigritia before it was changed to Africa. Before the continent was known as Africa, the original people called themselves Nigritians. And if you look up word Nigritian, you will find out that the people who are known as African Americans are actually Nigritians.
Nigritia or NGRT means: belonging to the source of Amun’s divine ones or divine people
Well how did Nigritia become known as Africa? Despite all you may know about the continent, do you ever ask yourself questions such as what was Africa called in ancient times? The origin of the continent’s identity is not a mystery any longer.

Hannibal Barca a black Carthaginian military commander(born 247 bce, North Africa—died c. 183–181 bce, Libyssa, Bithynia [near Gebze, Turkey]),; he was one of the greatest military commanders in history. During the Second Punic War, Hannibal inflicted crushing defeats on Roman armies, particularly in the battle of Cannae where 70,000 Romans died following the engagement. When his army marched toward the city of Rome, he was unable to conquer the city because his army lacked the siege equipment and reinforcement necessary to take it. In 202 BCE, Hannibal was called back to Africa to defend Carthage against invading Roman military forces, and there he was finally defeated by Scipio Africanus at the battle of Zama.

Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus (born 236 bce —died 183 bce, Liternum, Campania [now Patria, Italy]), was a Roman general and later consul who is often regarded as one of the best military commanders and strategists of all time. His main achievements were during the Second Punic War. His greatest military achievement was the defeat of Hannibal at the Battle of Zama (near modern Zama, Tunisia) in 202 BC.
Nigritia was renamed Africa in commemoration of Africanus defeat of Hannibal who was the last Nigritia commander of Carthage who opposed the white Romans invasion of Nigritia.
The word NGRT and its root words Nigritia, Nigritian, Neggur Dictionaries state that it is a Latin word. However, philologists (i.e., Linguists who study ancient writings found on stones, in pyramids and caves) date the word back to 30,000 B.C. Latin is dated back only to circa 500 B.C.

The above excerpt is from a map of “Nigritia” published in 1817 (the full map will be in the book). Within the notes on the map, it states that “…each tribe… under… a petty chieftain… styled Negus….”
It was the title that the inhabitants of the center of the “dark” continent—meaning, where no white man had gone before– called their leader and, therefore, white folks could not have “taught” them the name! (The “s” at the end of Negus will be discussed in the book).
No white folks had told them what to call anybody–at anytime–anywhere. This word (NeGus, NiGGa, NiGGah, NiGGer—whatever vowels “western” man puts in it) was handed down to them from their ancestors, meant King/Chief!
Notice that white man called the continent of the Nigritians “the dark continent—meaning, where no white man had gone before. Little do historians know or willing say: what is known as North and South America once made up a part of the continent of Nigritia. Proof is the pyramids we fine in the Americus.
Founder/Spiritual Physicist
April 21, 2021
“Racism Is Good. We See Every Species And Organism Practicing It Except Africans And African Americans, And Other So Called Black People”