How To Properly Pray To Amun & Amaunet


Followers of the Truth did you know standing, bowing, and prostrating oneself on the ground in an act of submitting one’s will to Amun and Amaunet in prayer was unique to the ancient Nigritian people of Kemet over 4000 years before Muhammad, Allah, and Islam religion?

(see hieroglyphic picture above)

Below you will find the content in the form of chapters and verses.



Correct times to perform ones prayers



First Obligatory/Dedication Prayer starts at Sunrise – 11:45 a.m.


Second Obligatory/Dedication Prayer starts at Midday – 4:00 p.m.


Third Obligatory/Dedication Prayer starts at Sunset – 12:20 a.m.


Be punctual when offering your prayers to Amun and Amaunet.


Chapter One

Purification Before Prayers:

1 If possible, wash your body completely;

2 If unable to wash body completely:

3 First, wash your hands up to your upper arms with clean water: Repeat 3 times.

4 Second, put water in the palm of your hand and rinse your mouth out, spit the water out: Repeat 3 times.

5 Third, put a small amount of water in the palm of your hand and sniff it up your nose, blow it back out: Repeat 3 times. 

6 Fourth, wet your finger tips and wet the insides of your ears with your index fingers – while

simultaneously rubbing the thumb over the inside of your ears: Repeat 3 times.

7 Fifth put water in both hands afterwards horizontally wipe your face: Repeat 3 times

8 Sixth, wet the palm of your hands afterwards, start at the front of your hair lining – Where your forehead and hair lining meets; and rub the palm of your hands over your head to the back of your

neck: 3 times 

9 Seventh, wet the front top of your ankle and rub down to your toes, and over the bottom of the foot to the back of the ankle; Repeat 3 times


Meditation:  As a followers of the truth, we must understand that meditation allows us to recognize Amun and Amaunet’s presence underlying everything, and everyone in the universe.  When we meditate, we listen to Amun and Amaunet’s response to our prayers.   We tell our prayers to Amun and Amaunet, and we meditate to listen to Their  voice.


Chapter Two

First Obligatory/Dedication Prayer/Purpose

1 To offer one’s mind, body and spirit / soul in service to Amun Amaunet for that day.

2 To offer gratitude to Amun and Amaunet for allowing you to re-affirm your allegiance to Them for that day.

3 To ask for Amun and Amaunet’s forgiveness, protection and guidance doing your morning travel.

4 To ensure Amun and Amaunet’s alignment of your mind, body, and spirit for the service on the path Amun and Amaunet have planned out for your day.

5 To ensure your dedication to Amun by making a commitment to adhere to the seven virtues; and obscure from the seven deadly sins.

6 At the end of your prayers, the followers of the Truth may make a personal request, and or offer a petition, or personal prayer. 

Also, praise Amun and Amaunet’s names a million times a minute. The sword of the soul is the equivalent of 10,000 men.   “So when I say: “Praise to Amun and Amaunet” one hundred times, that will equal 1,000,000.   (10,000 x 100+1000,000).

7 Meditation time / reflection is reading of the Book of Life, and the Divine Truth of Amun and Amaunet.


Chapter Three


Second Obligatory/Dedication Prayer/Purpose:

1 Ask for Amun and Amaunet’s protection during your midday travel.

2 To request redirection, and stability in balancing your scales throughout the rest of the midday.

3 At the end of your prayers, the followers of the Truth may make a personal request, and or offer a petition, or personal prayer. 

Don’t forget to praise Amun and Amaunet’s name

4 At the end of your prayers, the followers of the Truth may make a personal request, and or offer a petition, and personal prayer.  

Don’t forget to praise Amun and Amaunet’s name a million times a minute. The sword of the soul is the equivalent of 10,000 men.   “So when I say “Praise to Amun and Amaunet” one hundred times, that will equal 1,000,000.   (10,000 x 100=1000,000)”

5 Meditation time/reflection. Reading of the Book of Life, and Divine Truth of Amun and Amaunet.


Chapter Four

Third Obligatory/Dedication Prayer/Purpose

1 To thank Amun and Amaunet for your morning and midday travels.

2 To seek Amun and Amaunet’s forgiveness for any wavering from the Seven Virtues.

3 To ask for Amun and Amaunet’s protection during your night travel.

4 At the end of the prayers the followers of the truth may make a personal request and offer a petition and personal prayer.

5 Don’t forget to praise Amun and Amaunet’s name a million times a minute. The sword of soul is the equivalent of 10,000 men.   “So when I say “Praise to Amun” one hundred times, that will equal 1,000,000.   (10,000 x 100=1000,000.00)”


6 Meditation time/reflection Reading of the Book of Life, and the Divine  Truth of Amun and Amaunet.


How to Pray

Before Prayer

1 Place a white mat or white cloth (or any of the prayer rugs on the floor in the direction of the Father’s Land (Africa/Kemet).


First Posture 

2 Stand at the foot of your mat or rug, with hands raised upwards to the sky while your elbows are on your side of your ribs, hands extended outwardly.


Make your Obligatory/Dedication Intention to Amun and Amaunet


3 Praise  Amun and Amaunet, the Universal Supreme Being, Creator of angels, man, and reproduction. I draw an invisible circle around me,  so I can be in your cipher Father Amun and Amaunet.

In order to keep from harm my mind, body, and soul from attacks from devils, demons, evil men and women.


 4 Praise Amun and Amaunet our Father and Mother who are in heaven and Earth. Universal God of Truth. 

5 I beseech your forgiveness, protection and guidance as I request to offer my first, or second, or third dedication prayer (Which ever prayer to be offered at that pacific prayer time).


Second Posture


6 Before going into the second posture,


 Praise Amun and Amaunet (this is for allowing you to proceed onwardly)

7 Now, bow your upper torso to a bending posture, (Bowing shows your intention to proceed). 

8 Be sure to place yours hands on your knees.

9 Afterwards, hold this posture for three seconds.


Third Posture

10 Bend your knees to the center of the mat.

11 At this point nothing should be touching the mat accept: your knees, and toes.

12 Your hands should be placed on your thighs, and your gaze fixed on where your forehead will go.

(While in this posture):



14 Praise be to Amun and Amaunet, our Father and Mother who are in Heaven and Earth. Universal God of Truth.  Who I offer my mind, body and soul.


Fourth Posture


15 Before going into the forth posture


 16 Praise Amun and Amaunet; (this is for allowing you to proceed onwardly)

17 Now, place your hands, forehead, and nose on the mat.

18 Your eyes should be horizontal with your fingertips.  And the only body parts that should be touching the mat is, your toes, knees, hands, nose, and forehead.

18 While in this posture, pray this prayer:


Morning Prayer In Fourth Posture


19 Praise Amun and Amaunet.

20 Please find favor in allowing me to re-affirm my allegiance to You, Father Amun and Mother Amaunet.

21 This day I commit my soul, body and spirit of Life to the path you lay before me.

22 And, I adhere to the seven virtues, and obscure from the seven deadly sins.

23 Praise Amun and Amaunet

24 Father Amun and Mother Amaunet, I chop Lucifer, Satan Devil, Dragon, Serpent, Beast and Iblis to pieces.

25 And I split his heads into four parts, so that he won’t prosper in the four corners of the earth, from the North, South, East, and West.

26 Praise Amun and Amaunet also, please protect me from:

27 Lucifer, Satan, Devil, Dragon and Beast, Serpent and Iblis.  Also from: unclean spirits, jinns, devils, demons, and beast, evil men and women,

28 Praise Amun and Amaunet, also protect me from Eladonai-Ra, Shaddai, Yahweh, Elohim, Allah, Jesus, the Christian spirit,and anything that may harm or attack me throughout my travel.


29 While head is down on the mat,



 Praise the Universal Supreme Beings Amun and Amaunet (Then wait for four seconds).


Fifth Posture

30 Raise your head, and upper torso to where you are in a sitting posture. (Wait four seconds before proceeding).


Sixth Posture

29 Slightly tilt your head upwardly, and extend your arms outwardly as a receiving position with elbows to your side.

30 In this position you may offer a personal request, petitions, and prayers.


Seventh Posture

31 Meditate and reflections and reading of the Book of Life, and Divine  Truth of Amun and Amaunet.


Midday Prayer Fourth Posture

32 In the midday posture, all is the same above, only the prayer changes in the fourth posture.

33 While in the fourth posture,



34 Praise Amun and Amaunet, God and Goddess of man. Please grant me stability to maintain, and balance my scales throughout the midday.


35 Please protect me throughout the midday from Lucifer, Satan, Devil, Dragon, Serpent, Beast and Iblis.

36 Also please protect me from unclean spirits, demons, devils, beast, jinns, evil men and women.

37 Praise Amun and Amaunet, also protect me from Eladonai-Ra, Shaddai, Yahweh, Elohim, Allah, Jesus, the Christian spirit, and anything that may harm or attack me throughout my travel.

 At the end


Praise the Supreme Being Amun and Amaunet, (wait four seconds)

38 Afterward, repeat postures 5, 6, and 7 in first prayer.


Sunset Prayer Fourth Posture

39 In the sunset Prayer, posture 1, 2, 3 and 4 stays the same.  The only thing that changes is the prayer.

40 While in the fourth posture,



41 Praise Amun and Amaunet.

42 I thank You for my morning and midday travels.

43 And I seek forgiveness for my wavering from the seven virtues.

44 Also, I beseech your guidance and protection on my night travel.

45 Please protect me throughout night travel from Lucifer, Satan, Devil, Dragon, Serpent, Beast, and Iblis; (if you are going to bed,  say: “protect me while I am asleep”)

46 Also, protect me from unclean spirit, jinns, devils, demons, beast, and from evil men and women,

47 Praise Amun and Amaunet, I also ask that You protect me from Eladonai-Ra, Shaddai, Yahweh, Elohim, Allah, Jesus, the Christian spirit, and anything that may harm or attack me throughout my travel.


48 At the end say: Praise the Universal Supreme being Amun and Amaunet.

49 Afterwards, repeat postures 5 thru 7


Chapter Six

Special Dedication Prayer

1 This prayer should be performed at any time between or after the first second or third obligational prayers, (morning, midday and sunset prayers).

2 This prayer should be performed to get close to Amun and Amaunet, or to escape the Satan’s attack, and when your scales are unbalanced.

3 Before one preform this pray – one should preform your purification


First Posture

4 Stand at the foot of the mat, with head raised upwardly to the sky, while elbows are to your side, with hands extended outwardly.



5 Praise Amun and Amaunet, Universal God and Goddess of Truth; I beseech your forgiveness, protection, and guidance as I request to offer my special dedication prayer to Amun and Amaunet.


Second Posture

6 The second posture is the same as in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd and the Dedication prayers


Third Posture

7 The third posture is the same as in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd and the Dedication prayers.



8 Praise be to Amun and Amaunet – who I offer my mind, body, and soul.


Special Prayer In Fourth Posture


9 Praise Amun and Amuanet.

10 I invoke You for understanding, (or protection or forgiveness or to get near to Amun and Amaunet), whichever the occasion may call for. 

11 I believe in You Father Amun and Mother Amaunet, and have trusted in you.

12 I praise You in the best of ways.

13 And adhere to the seven virtues, and prostrate myself before You.

14 I hasten towards You and serve You.


Fifth Posture

15 Raise your head and upper torso to a sitting posture.

16 Slightly tilt your head up, while extending your hands outwardly as in a receiving posture.

17 At this point, you may offer personal request, petition and prayers.


Seven Posture

18 Meditate, and reflection, and reading of the Book of Life, and Divine Truth of Amun and Amaunet.


Chapter Seven

Seven Virtues

1 Faith, Hope, Charity, Strength, Prudence, Temperance, and Justice.

2 Faith: inexhaustible belief in Amun and Amaunet, as an assenter of the mind, body, and soul.

3 Unwaiving belief in Amun and Amaunet’s Divine Truth, and Book of Life. Followers of Truth (“FOT”) must have a divinely wrought, loving and hearty reliance upon Amun and Amaunet.

4 Amun and Amaunet’s promise of fulfillment.

5 Hope: having confidence in Amun and Amaunet’s promise of fulfillment

6 Charity: Commit to your three devotional prayers.

7 Promptly render help to those in need whole heartedly with concurrence of one’s conscience.

8 Strength: the followers of the Truth should maintain a healthy physical condition, moral power, durability in mind, body, and soul.

9 A true followers of the Truth know the rules of Amun and Amaunet, and raise above, placing his or herself in touch with the higher powers of his or her true nature. 

10 A FOT must dominate his or her own moods; the Seven Deadly Sins, his or her character qualities, the environment surrounding him or her, and thus becomes a true follower of Amun and Amaunet in the world.

11 Prudence: The followers of the Truth must exhibit wisdom in handling daily practical matters, (care, carefulness, caution, circumspection, consideration, discretion forecast, foresight, forethought, frugality, judgment, judiciousness, providence, wisdom)

12 Temperance: the follower of the Truth must have self-control, calm, restrain, abstinence from all intoxicants, and tobacco, fornication, adultery, homosexuality, lesbianism, and gambling.

13 Justice: weigh all matters with the scales of Truth.

14 Scrupulously adhering to the narrow path of Truth based on unchangeable Truths enshrined in Amun and Amaunet’s Divine Truth;

15 FOTs must maintain right conscience fortified by the Grace of Amun and Amaunet.


Chapter Eight

Seven Deadly Sins

1 Pride, luxury, wrath, idleness, gluttony, envy, and avarice.

2 Pride: a sense of superiority, inordinate, arrogance, conceited, haughty, disdainfulness.

3 Luxury: indulgence in materialistic pleasures that gratify the senses to the point of forgetting your obligation to Amun and Amaunet.

4 Wrath: destruction to Amun and Amaunet’s children or creatures; anger, lasting anger, violent rage, fury.

5 Idleness: inactivity, waste, lose time in infraction as in non-productivity, not being industrious, and not remembering Amun and Amaunet.

6 Gluttony: The true followers of the Truth examine themselves each day to see whether they ate to live, sparing and of food prepared without suffering and of food prepared without suffering to other creatures of Amun and Amaunet. (such as flesh foods that cannot be obtained without taking life).

7 If one finds that they allowed their appetite to run away with him or herself, and they ate gluttonously, they must seek Amun and Amaunet’s forgiveness.

8  Hopefully, they will endeavor to overcome these habits.

9 For to live a clean life followers of the Truth must have a clean body.

10 No follower of the Truth can live to his or her highest possibilities while making their stomachs a grave yard for decaying corpse of murdered animals.

11 We just cannot see Amun and Amaunet by putting death in our bodies; for Amun and Amaunet are the God and Goddess of Life.

12 Envy: the followers of the Truth should never begrudge another, and covet what they own, or enjoys with or without ill will towards the possessor. 

13 Avarice: the followers of the Truth should never show and extreme desire for wealth, cupidity, greedy.

14 To the point they will do anything to accomplish their objective to meet that end.


Forgiveness Available

15 As followers of the Truth, we must overstand violating one of the Seven Deadly Sins, we must turn to Amun and Amaunet immediately and seek forgiveness; though the follower of the Truth was disposed to do evil, the Lord is disposed to forgive.

16 The Lord of Kemet spends not a whole day in anger, Amun and Amaunet’s wrath passes in a moment, none remains.

17 Amun and Amaunet’s breath comes back to us in mercy, Amun and Amaunet returns to him who repent.

18 May your Ka be kind, may You forgive, it shall not happen again.


As For The  True Followers

19 If the followers of the Truth misses one of his or her prayers, it can be made up at any time that immediately becomes available to the follower.

20 If a follower of the Truth is sick or unable to perform his or her prayers,

21 You can say them in your mind, which is acceptable by Amun and Amaunet.

22 Amun and Amaunet loves when Their children draw near to Them.

23 Followers of the Truth, do not pray in the presence of Jews, Christians and Muslims nor people of different faiths.

24 It will only excite their jealousy, and cause their evilness or unclean spirit within them to send an evil spirit to attack you – through them.

25 Remember the Jewish, Christians and Muslim god is Satan who is a jealous fallen angel.

26The numerological values of the words “JEALOUS MAN” are as follow:             JEALOUS (60+30+6++22+90+126+114=998), Man (78+6+84=168), so that the sum of these values is 666.

27 The numerological values of the words “BA JEALOUSY” (60+30+6+72+90+126+114+150=648), so that the sum of their values is 666.